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Biology Chapter 3 3A1-2.

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1 Biology Chapter 3 3A1-2

2 Review Questions 3A-1 1. List the concepts of cell theory
All living things are composed of cells Cells are the basic unit of function and structure of an organism Cells come from the reproduction of living things

3 Review Questions 3A-1 2. Describe how the surface area of a cell can influence the maximum size a cell can attain As the cell grows, the volume will increase faster than the surface area of the cell. The cell’s maximum size is that point where the metabolic needs of the cell do not exceed the membrane’s capacity to provide

4 Review Questions 3A-2 1. Do you think it is accurate to describe a unicellular organism as simple? Why? It could be considered simple if we were only considering size, or its lack of organization into tissues, organs, and organ systems. However it is quite complex, considering that it is capable of all the functions of that a complex, multi-cellular organism can perform A unicellular organism can perform all the essential functions a human cell can

5 Review Questions 3A-2 2. Explain the difference between a colony and a tissue A colony is a collection of cells living together. If the cells were to be seperated from the colony, they would not be able to carry on the processes of an organism A tissue is a group of cells working together to perform a specific function. They depend on other cells to provide some of their needs

6 Review Question 3A-2 3. Give three examples of organs in the body and of organ systems in the body Organs- eye, ear, tongue, heart, stomach, pancreas Organ systems- digestive, nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular

7 3A1-2 Things to Know Who first identified the cork cell (70)
Absorption Definition(71) Colonial Definition (72) Characteristics of a prokaryotic cell (75) Statements of Cell Theory (70) Protoplasm (70) Organ Definition (73)

8 Continued Characteristics of a eukaryotic cell (75)
What Plasmodesmata is (74) What was Robert Hooke seeing that he called “Cells” (70) Know what cytology is (70)

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