Primary National Curriculum 2014

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1 Primary National Curriculum 2014
MEADOWSIDE PRIMARY SCHOOL Primary National Curriculum 2014 What has changed?

2 Changes for some Year groups
Changes this year: - Year 1 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Not changing this year… EYFS (new Sept 2012) Year 2 (new Sept 2015) Year 6 (new Sept 2015) Why? DfE wants children to be more ‘secondary ready’ so raising the bar of expectations for primary schools

3 English What’s in? Year-by-year objectives (34 pages)
Required spelling & grammar objectives & wordlists (16 pages) Priority for phonics in both key stages, secure by Y3 Focus on reading for pleasure Debate Grammar greater emphasis at KS 1 Greater emphasis on spelling and handwriting

4 English – an example Y5/6 page

5 English – Year 3/4 wordlists

6 English – Grammar objectives

7 Mathematics What’s in? Three main concepts
Conceptual understanding Mathematical reasoning Problem solving Yearly objectives (40 pages) Tables to 12 x 12 by end of Y4 Standard written methods Focus on fractions Y5 convert decimal  fraction Telling time in Y2; using Roman numerals in Y3 Area of triangles & parallelograms in Y6

8 Mathematics – what’s when?
Multiplication tables: Y2: 2, 5 & 10 times tables Y4: all tables up to 12x12 Y3: 3, 4 & 8 times tables Standard written methods: Y3: Column addition and subtraction Y5: Short division Y4: Standard column multiplication Y6: Long division Fractions Y1: Introduce ¼ and ½ Y4: Add + Subtract fractions Y2: ¾ and 1/3 . Find ½ of a number Y5: Use mixed numbers Y3: Add and order simple fractions Y6: Add & Multiply fractions Algebra Y6: Simple formulae, finding missing numbers, etc.

9 Science What’s in? What’s out? Yearly objectives (34 pages)
Broadly similar to the old QCA units in a slightly different order Continued emphasis on investigation across all areas Evolution in Y6 Classification into kingdoms at Y6 What’s out? Much less content at KS1: No mention of medicines, electricity, light & dark, or material changes caused by temperatures No forces before Y6 (except looking at simple magnets work)

10 ICT  Computing What’s out? The name ICT
Very little mention of presenting ideas or information No mention of cross-curricular use of ICT What’s in? Changes to “Computing” Largely based around the old Control elements, e.g. In KS1: “understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices, and that programs execute by following a sequence of instructions” E-safety mentioned at every Key Stage

11 Geography What’s out? No investigative questioning
No KS1 comparison with other UK locations No mention of environmental sustainability No African, Asia or Australasian geography What’s in? Factual knowledge, e.g. continents & oceans at KS1 UK focus at KS1, plus one non-European comparison Europe & the Americas covered at KS2 Identification of rivers, mountains, etc. in UK OS six-figure grid references

12 History What’s out? Personal timeline history
Historical enquiry skills Britain since 1930s Victorians Aztecs, Incas, etc. Diversity in the UK & the world What’s in? KS1: Concepts of monarchy, parliament, civilisation, democracy and war & peace KS2: Strictly chronological progression through history of Britain from early Britons (stone & iron age) to Glorious Revolution (1688) Requirement to teach Ancient Rome & Greece

13 Just work your way through....
Early Britons and settlers, including: the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages Roman conquest and rule and its impact on Britain Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxon and Scots Viking & Anglo Saxon struggle for the kingdom of England to Edward the Confessor A local history unit An aspect or theme beyond 1066 Achievements of the earliest civilisations – an overview of most and in depth with either Ancient Sumer; Indus Valley; Ancient Egypt; Shang dynasty of Ancient China Ancient Greece and influence on the western world A non-European study that provides a contrast to British history – early Islamic civilization; Mayans; Benin

14 Physical Education What’s out? No evaluation at KS1
No mention of health & fitness No specific games at KS1 What’s in? KS 1 focus on mastering key skills A focus on competitive games KS2 Swimming: “perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations”

15 Further information Department for Education website: - NC framework document: - TES Google – new national curriculum

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