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Topic: ‘Celebrations’

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1 Topic: ‘Celebrations’
Class 3 Autumn Term 2 Topic: ‘Celebrations’ Literacy. In Literacy we will be covering lots of aspects of our ‘Celebrations’ topic. We will be finding out about a range of cultural celebrations including: Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day, Diwali, Thanksgiving and Christmas. We will be using stories and practical activities to support our learning. We have spent the first half term getting to know what support the children needs across their literacy skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. In addition to our topical stories, the children are using the Oxford Reading Tree scheme to support their early reading. We continue to have regular skills sessions targeting areas such as name writing, letter formation and phonics. Numeracy We will have a weekly ‘Money Maths’ session. This allows children to develop their number skills alongside gaining experience of this important life skill. This half term we are looking at the topic of ‘Shape’. This will include learning to recognise and name some shapes. Children will also complete practical tasks such as matching shapes or using them to create pictures. We will also cover ‘Pattern’ through use of shapes. Science We will be looking at the science topic ‘Light and Dark’ with links also to our main topic of ‘Celebrations’. We will recap prior learning about what we understand about light and dark. We will be having lots of fun investigating using light sources, trying wearing blindfolds and making shadows. We will learn about nocturnal animals. PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) Children always look forward to PSHE as we go out into the community to have wider learning experiences. As linked to our topic this half term, we have planned some exciting visits such as to a temple to learn about Diwali celebrations. We are arranging lots of Christmas visits including going to a Grotto to see Father Christmas. The children really enjoyed visiting the fire station last half term and so we hope that we might be able to repeat this as an end of term treat! Physical Education Each morning in school we participate in a ‘Chi gung’ movement session. During this session we complete a series of slow and gentle movements whilst listening to calming music. This allows children (and staff!) to wake up their minds and bodies ready for the school day. We will also be attending weekly swimming sessions. This will take place on Thursdays. This session allows children to build their skills in the water. Children will also be encouraged in developing greater independence in their dressing skills. Social Communication Each week we will have a session dedicated to teaching the children valuable skills for socialising and communicating. This half term we will specifically be looking at the skills we need to play together, such as good sharing, taking turns and how to be a ‘good loser’. We will play simple games and praise children when they are able to demonstrate these important skills. Sensory Sessions We aim to provide a multisensory education for the children here at ALMA. In addition to sensory opportunities in our class based learning, we will have a weekly session where we are able to make use of the soft play and light and sound rooms. Children will be able to develop their gross motor and balance skills. This is also a time for developing important play skills such as turn taking, spatial awareness and communication.

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