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Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN)

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1 Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN)
Urban Water Institute Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Roger K. Patterson Assistant General Manager The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

2 Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (WIIN - S.612)
Enacted December 16, 2016 To provide for improvements to the rivers and harbors of the United States, to provide for the conservation and development of water and related resources, and for other purposes Includes Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016 S. 612 — 114th Congress: WIIN Act.” January 22, 2017 <

3 WIIN Act (S. 612) Title I Water Resources Development Act 2016
Water resource infrastructure Title II Water and Waste Act 2016 Safe Drinking Water Act and Solid Waste Disposal Act (Coal Combustion) Economically distressed communities and the prevention of lead contamination and other public health concerns Title III Natural Resources California water supplies Tribal water rights settlements Title IV Other Matters Miscellaneous provisions including amendments to the WIFIA provisions

4 Key Issues for California Title III – Subtitle J: California Water
Authorizes USBR to invest in storage projects for public benefits Title XVI Wastewater Reuse Reform CVP/SWP operational provisions Improved Science Increase San Joaquin River inflow and transfer/exchange capability

5 Storage Authorizes $335,000,000 for Federally owned and State-led storage projects determined feasible and produce federal benefits Federal projects up to 50% State projects up to 25% Section 4007

6 Reform of the Title XVI Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater Study and Facilities Act
New Water Recycling and Reuse Projects Authorizes additional $50,000,000 Municipal, industrial, domestic or agriculture wastewater or impaired ground or surface water Competitive grant program Areas experiencing drought within 4 years of funding Provide more reliable water supply for states and local governments Increase water management flexibility and reduce impacts on environmental resources from projects operated by Federal and State Agencies Section 4009 (c) Pages

7 CVP/SWP Operational Provisions
Enhances supply opportunities Capture peak flows during storm-related events when risks to fish appear small Manage flow patterns toward export pumps (OMR) Expand monitoring

8 San Joaquin River Enhance flows down the San Joaquin River through voluntary Sales Transfers Exchanges Allow to be pumped at 1:1 ratio

9 Delta Operations in

10 Flows in the Delta Natural flow direction N
Reverse flows occur when direct flow to pumps is less than total pumping Sacramento River Flow San Joaquin River Flow OMR reverse (negative) flows Exports Banks and Jones PP Direct flow to pumps Delta Map

11 Delta Smelt Life-Cycle and Protections
WINTER RPA 1 Action 1: Dec-Jan Protect adult migrating smelt OMR > - 2,000 cfs RPA 1 Action 2: Jan-Mar Protect adult smelt prior to spawning OMR Range: ,200 to -5,000 cfs FALL RPA 3: Sep-Nov Improve Fall habitat Delta Outflow (Fall X2) FALL SUBADULTS ADULTS WINTER SUMMER SPRING RPA 2: Mar-Jun Protect larval smelt OMR Range: ,200 to -5,000 cfs LARVAL JUVENILES SPRING

12 Delta Smelt Life-Cycle and Protections
WINTER RPA 1 Action 1: Dec-Jan Protect adult migrating smelt OMR > - 2,000 cfs FALL RPA 1 Action 2: Jan-Mar Protect adult smelt prior to spawning OMR Range: ,250 to -5,000 cfs SUBADULTS ADULTS Triggers Action 1: Turbidity or Salvage WINTER SUMMER Action 2: Following Action 1 LARVAL JUVENILES SPRING

13 Flows in the Delta Natural flow direction N Exports
OMR reverse (negative) flows Exports Banks and Jones PP Direct flow to pumps Delta Map

14 Turbidity could move into South Delta, attracting Delta Smelt
Flows in the Delta – Elevated Risk Scenario N Elevated risk of Delta Smelt entrainment when Sacramento flows increase, but San Joaquin flows do not. OMR reverse (negative) flows Turbidity could move into South Delta, attracting Delta Smelt Exports Banks and Jones PP Direct flow to pumps Delta Map

15 CVP/SWP Operational Provisions
SEC TEMPORARY OPERATIONAL FLEXIBILITY FOR STORM EVENTS. Sec of Commerce and Sec of Interior may authorize CVP and SWP to operate at levels… USBR in coordination with USFWS and NMFS shall undertake expanded monitoring… SEC OPERATIONS AND REVIEWS Sec of Commerce and sec of interior shall

16 Elevated risk of salvage in Mid-December
Elevated Risk Occurred in Dec 2016 Flow Sacramento River Elevated risk of salvage in Mid-December Turbidity San Joaquin River Flow

17 Preemptive Action to Elevated Risk in Dec 2016
Project Pumping Banks Pumping Responded by reducing exports to limit OMR to -6,000 cfs mid Dec. – Jan. 1 Jones Pumping OMR OMR

18 Benefit to Preemptive Action in Dec 2016
Project Pumping Banks Pumping Preemptive action much less restrictive than USFWS advisory group recommendations Jones Pumping + ~120 TAF exports OMR Reverse Flow OMR SWG Recommendation

19 Limited Smelt Distribution in South Delta
Undetermined (100%) Males Females 227 Monitoring suggests Delta Smelt distribution remains far from export facilities Exports Banks and Jones PP

20 Determination by the Fish & Wildlife Service January 6, 2017
Recognized that provisions outlined in the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act of must be taken into account Dec 16 Preemptive measure resulted in OMR of -6,000 Planned operations appeared to avoid turbidity bridges in OMR with less water supply impact than would have occurred under Action 1 Continue to monitor conditions and seek recommendations from Smelt Working Group Recognized collaborative efforts of agencies to reduce risk to delta smelt

21 Extremely high flows in Sacramento spread Delta Smelt far downstream
Favorable Conditions Occurred in Jan 2017 N Extremely high flows in Sacramento spread Delta Smelt far downstream High San Joaquin flows allow higher pumping while limiting negative OMR OMR reverse (negative) flows Exports Banks and Jones PP Direct flow to pumps Delta Map

22 Favorable Conditions Occurred in Jan 2017
San Joaquin River Flow Project Pumping Flow Banks Pumping Jones Pumping High San Joaquin River flows allow increased exports without increased reverse OMR flows OMR OMR

23 Enhanced Delta Smelt Monitoring
Monitoring suggests Delta Smelt distribution remains far from export facilities Exports Banks and Jones PP

24 Summary Benefits CVP/SWP water supplies while protecting listed fish species Improves Delta science Provides for Federal investment in storage projects for public benefits Improves Title XVI wastewater program

25 Roger K. Patterson
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