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Reconstitution of Powdered Drugs

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1 Reconstitution of Powdered Drugs
Chapter 10 Reconstitution of Powdered Drugs

2 Purpose Drugs in powder form retain potency for only short time once reconstituted e.g., ampicillin

3 Key Safety Point Reconstitution directions on vial labels are small and difficult to read, mandating extreme care in reading them

4 Drug Volume After Reconstitution
Reconstituted volumes do not always exactly equal amount of diluent because medication itself has volume Makes total volume larger than amount of diluent injected into vial

5 Reconstitution: Step 1 Locate directions on label, package insert, or current parenteral medication reference

6 Diluent Information Type of diluent varies for different drugs
Sterile water used most frequently for parenteral drug reconstitution Volume of diluent varies for different drugs

7 Diluent Information If directions given for both IM and IV reconstitution, be careful to read correct set for solution being prepared

8 Reconstitution: Step 2 Once diluent identified, use sterile syringe and aseptic technique to draw up volume of diluent required for reconstitution of specific medication

9 Vial Pressure If powdered medication in vial, syringe plunger forced out to expel air Re-equalizes internal vial pressure as diluent injected

10 Reconstitution: Step 3 After diluent injected, rotate and up-end vial until all medication dissolved Most parenteral medications should not be shaken to dissolve powder

11 Reconstitution: Step 4 After reconstitution, locate information that notes how long reconstituted medication can be stored

12 Reconstitution: Step 5 Document the following items:
Initials of person reconstituting medication Reconstitution date and time Expiration date and time

13 Reconstitution Information
If all information needed for reconstitution not on medication vial label, obtain from one of the following locations: Medication package insert Current and reliable medication reference Facility pharmacy

14 Multiple Strength Solutions
Some powdered medications offer choice of dosage strengths Reconstituted strength must be added to label information

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