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Regional workshops Social Policy in the European Union

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1 Regional workshops Social Policy in the European Union
April/May 2017 The EU, its Parliament and the fight against poverty With support from the European Parliament

2 Social policy and the EU
EU social policy the poor relation to economic priorities Initially to ensure fair competition between the different countries but over time the result of calls for a more social EU Mainly related to workplace EU principle of ‘Subsidiarity’ EU Social Model

3 4th . 1994 – Blocked by UK and Germany
EU Poverty Programmes Research and community projects: 24 projects in Ireland, including 13 focusing on Community development/community action 1st Targeting disadvantaged groups 2nd Introduced the concept of ‘social exclusion’ and taking partnership approaches. 3rd 4th – Blocked by UK and Germany

4 EU Social Policy in the EU Treaties
Lisbon Treaty 2009 Social Clause “In defining and implementing its policies and activities, the Union shall take into account requirements linked to the promotion of a high level of employment, the guarantee of adequate social protection, the fight against social exclusion, and a high level of education, training and protection of human health.“ (Art. 9 TFEU) EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Equality imbedded in Treaties

5 EU Social Policy Highlights
Legislation Equal Pay for Equal Work – Founding principle of EU and in law since 1975 2000: Directives on Race Equality and Employment Equality (Including grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation) 2004: Directive on equal treatment between women and men in access to goods and services Directives on Integration of third-country nationals (incl. refugees and asylum seekers) e.g. Reception Conditions Directive 2013 on minimum conditions for asylum seekers (Ireland has opt-out) European Funding – European Social Fund (ESF) since 1957 and Peace Programme from 1995. However, most social policy is done through ‘soft law’ and co-operation on policies with no penalties V hard law in other areas

6 Open Method of Co-ordination (OMC) from 1997
EU Member States working towards agreed objectives and coordinated by European Commission Lisbon Strategy ( ) Balanced approach to economic, employment and social goals. (environment later) Aimed to made a decisive impact on poverty by 2010. Revised in 2005 and economic growth became priority. Europe 2020 Strategy ( ) 5 targets including employment, education and poverty reduction – EU and national level “Lift at least 20 million fewer people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion by 2020” (From 117 million people to 97 million - was just under 119 million in after peaking at million in 2012) The crisis : Victim of austerity policies – Troika programmes. Now tied up in European Semester process - dominated by economic priorities and hard law to deal with national budget deficits and debt especially stability in the Euro area (Stability and Growth Pact) including monitoring of national budgets.

7 Other Highlights European Parliament
2008: EU Recommendation on the Active Inclusion of people excluded from the labour market involved access to adequate income supports, and quality services and inclusive employment opportunities for all. 2013: Social Investment package including Recommendation "Investing in children: breaking the cycle of disadvantage" Staff Working Document – “Confronting Homelessness in the European Union” European Parliament 2010: Resolution on Minimum Income (non means-tested social welfare) 2013: Resolution on an EU homelessness strategy (Similar in 2011) MEP Inter-Group on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights (Also Inter-Groups on Anti-racism & Diversity, Children’s Rights, Public Goods and Services and Social Economy)

8 European Pillar of Social Rights 2017
Consultation launched with aim of achieving a “social triple A” for Eurozone countries. (others can sign up) Commission Proposals – 26th April 2017 Overall goal of addressing current challenges and ‘upward convergence’ in employment and social conditions Overall document (Communication) Reflection Paper on the Social Dimension of Europe outlining different levels of possible ambition for the way forward 20 principles and rights which are aimed at improving employment and living standards across the EU i) equal opportunities and access to labour market ii) fair working conditions and iii) social protection and inclusion four concrete proposals on areas such work life balance as parental leave, work-life balance and carers' rights, ii) the information given to workers, iii) a consultation precarious work and access to social protection and iv) working time. To be endorsed by the European Parliament and Council (Heads of State) Focus of European Social Summit in Sweden in November

9 Future Challenges for a more Social Europe
White Paper on Future of EU – March 2017 Five possible ways forward for EU Possible lowering of ambition for a more inclusive EU – focus on economic growth and security? Increase in racism and nationalism Less solidarity with those in EU …… and those seeking its protection. Impact of economic policy/Fiscal rules Rules for national budgets limiting room for investing in public services. Lack of real poverty or equality impact assessment Lowering of social standards across EU High poverty and increasing inequality Increase in precarious forms of work Adequate welfare supports not seen as right but as ‘effective’ tool for activating people into employment. Brexit – Symptom of the above


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