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Presentation on theme: "ALEXANDER THE GREAT MILITARY GENIUS."— Presentation transcript:



3 The Conquest of Asia Minor
Granicus River (334BC) Troy Gordium Miletus Halicarnassus Issus (333BC) Tarsus map:

4 The state of the two armies
ALEXANDER’S ARMY Recognised one and only leader THE PERSIAN ARMIES Lacking unity / leadership Highly disciplined Well trained Well equipped Undisciplined Inadequately trained Strong cavalry Fighting for a common purpose; revenge Infantry inferior to Alexander’s phalanx Fighting because the Greeks invaded their land Memnon’s 6,000 Greek mercenaries / rebels were high calibre soldiers

5 Before the Granicus Battle
Memnon’s Advice to Persian satraps (governors): Adopt a ‘scorched earth’ policy: Retreat Destroy crops as they go Wait for reinforcements.

6 Before the Granicus Battle
Parmenio’s Advice to Alexander: Don’t attack immediately Wait for dawn Persians will retreat from river Macedonians won’t have to fight up steep river banks WHY WAS THIS SOUND ADVICE? Above: The Granicus River today – not much to look at.

7 Alexander, confident they would win this battle, disregarded Parmenio’s advice and decided to fight.
WHY??? Yes, Parmenio,” he said, “but I should be ashamed of myself if a little trickle of water like this were too much for us to cross.” – Arrian

8 Persians strengthen their left
The Granicus Battle Phase One: Alex lines up on right Persians strengthen their left

9 The Granicus Battle Phase Two: Macedonians cross river
Amyntas’ cavalry, attacks diagonally to right Persians move to their left

10 The Granicus Battle Phase Three:
Alex leads Companions attack diagonally to the left Persian line is broken Greek Mercenaries killed / captured

11 Positioning of the Troops
1. What mistake did the Persians make with the positioning of their troops? 2. Why did they do this and why is it a mistake? 3. Where did Alexander position himself? Why?

12 Surrender of the Greek Mercenaries The aftermath of Granicus
How did Alexander treat these soldiers and why? The aftermath of Granicus Spoils were sent to the Greek states Suits of armour were sent to Athena’s temple as an offering - the inscription said: “ Alexander, son of Philip, and the Greeks, except the Spartans, dedicate these spoils taken from the Persians living in Asia” (Arrian) With this, Alexander was asserting his authority as Hegemon of the League and emphasising the absence of the Spartans from his union.

13 The Primary Sources on the Battle
““It seemed the act of a desperate madman rather than of a prudent commander to charge into a swiftly flowing river …” - Plutarch The impact of the phalanx assault “But the enemy hardly sustaining the first onset, soon gave ground and fled, all but the mercenary Greeks” – Plutarch Alexander nearly killed by Persian satrap “But as he was about to repeat his stroke, Cleitus, called The Black Cleitus, prevented him, by running him through the body with his spear.” - Plutarch Alexander’s ruthless killing of the Greek mercenaries at Granicus “Ordering a combined assault by infantry and cavalry, Alexander quickly had them surrounded and butchered to a man, though one or two may have escaped notice among the heaps of dead. About 2,000 were taken prisoner.” - Arrian

14 Significance of the Granicus Victory
1. 2. 3. 4.

15 The Conquest of Asia Minor
Troy Granicus River (334BC) Gordium Miletus Halicarnassus Check with students that they recall the significance of the sieges of Miletus and Halicarnassus Issus (333BC) Tarsus map:


17 Miletus and Harlicarnassus – 334 BCE
These were the only two cities in Asia Minor that strongly resisted Alexander.



20 Battle at Miletus Initially Miletus said it would surrender but, once realising they had Persian back up in the form of 400 Persian ships nearby, they changed their mind. However, Alexander’s fleet of 160 ships under Nicanor reached Miletus before the Persians and then blocked off the harbour. With no way out, Alexander was soon in control. Defending forces were massacred with the exception of a few plus 300 mercenaries who escaped to an island. They were prepared to fight to the death. Alexander was impressed by their courage and made an agreement with them. He took 300 of the defenders into his army and, after his conquests, was able to pay them well. It was after this event that Alexander disbanded his fleet (see notes).


22 The Conquest of Asia Minor
Disbanding The Fleet Miletus Halicarnassus Gordium Granicus River (334BC) Tarsus Issus (333BC) The Conquest of Asia Minor map: Troy After the battle of Miletus, Alexander ordered that the Athenian fleet should disband

23 Use Artus page 46 to make notes on this event
Read Arrian’s passage on the disbanding of the fleet (Artus pg.46) What reasons does he give for Alexander’s decision? Now read Hamilton pages What is his view of the more likely reasons for the decision? Use Artus page 46 to make notes on this event


25 Site of the beginning of the attack.
HARLICARNASSUS Site of the beginning of the attack.

26 Battle at Halicarnassus
This was a strategic site for the Persians because if Alexander controlled other Persian bases in the eastern Mediterranean, Halicarnassus would be vital for Persia. Memnon along with over 2,000 mercenaries and a large body of Asiatic troops prepared to fight Alexander. Halicarnassus had three fortresses and was surrounded by a high brick wall and moat. Memnon organised a line of triremes to protect the harbours. A siege was carried out by the Macedonians. They filled in the moat and brought in siege engines and battering rams. The defenders retaliated with a volley of arrows, stones were fired from torsion catapults, the siege engines were set alight and the walls were reinforced.

27 Once the Macedonians broke through they were faced by another wall topped with arrow firing catapults. Gradually the Macedonians won and Memnon fled. Alexander left 3,000 mercenaries and 200 cavalry to finish the job. It took a year to finally subdue Halicarnassus. The long battle was more damaging to the Macedonians than the Persians and Memnon. Macedonian morale was low and Memnon was free to continue supporting the Persians.


29 Why did Alexander retreat from Halicarnassus?
Because he knew that without the help of the Athenian fleet he could not defeat Orontopotes as the Persian fleet was near by providing supplies. Rebuilding the fleet Disbanding the Athenian fleet was a mistake. Now the Persians controlled the entire Aegean. At 333BC when Alexander was in Gordium, he ordered and financed the rebuilding of the fleet to protect the Eastern Mediterranean lands.

30 For each battle (Miletus & Halicarnassus) answer to the following.
Questions Greek Hoplite For each battle (Miletus & Halicarnassus) answer to the following. 1. WHEN? 2. WHY? 3. WHAT HAPPENED? (in less than 100 words) 4. What is the main reason why Alexander could take Miletus relatively easily, while he struggled to overcome Halicarnassus?

31 Key events following the siege of Halicarnassus:
Macedonian soldiers, who had married immediately before joining Alexander on his Asian campaigns, were now sent back to Macedonia for a holiday. According to Arrian “no act of Alexander’s ever made him better loved by his Macedonians”. They were to meet Alexander in Gordion in the spring of 333BC. Officers accompanying the holidaying troops were ordered to return with reinforcements An officer was send to the Peloponnese to recruit troops.


33 Battle of Issus – 333BCE House of the Faun

34 Miletus Harlicarnassus X Issus

35 This turned out to Alexander’s advantage! But how?
Before the Battle of Issus Alexander’s Mistake: Wrong intelligence about Darius’ position Heads south down coast to meet Persians Darius circled from North-East, cutting off Alex’s supply lines Alex decides to turn and fight over Pinarus River This turned out to Alexander’s advantage! But how?

36 Darius Before the Battle
The Persian army was huge, estimated to be 300, ,000 which outnumbered Alexander by around 75,000. In addition to the army Darius took his family, harem and the wives of his officers. He encamped at Sochi because it provided a large plain for his cavalry and infantry to move. Darius probably knew that Alexander was at Tarsus but did not realise that he had been delayed by his fever. Darius was encouraged to think that Alexander was too afraid to meet the Persian army. With decreasing supplies Darius decided to find Alexander.

37 At Mallus Parmenio’s message reaches Alexander, Darius is encamped at Sochoi.
2. Alexander travels non-stop to reach Darius. But Darius by-passes Alexander and is now at Issus. 3. At Issus Darius kills Alexander’s sick and wounded men. He then moves towards Alexander hoping to meet him on the plains. Darius Alexander

38 Alexander went past the Amanic Gates where Darius was.
5. Realising his mistake Alexander turns back and encamps at the Pillars of Jonah. Alexander

39 Darius was at the Pinarus River when he heard that Alexander was marching towards him. Alexander’s mistake turned out to be an advantage as he was able to meet Darius on a narrow coastal plain. Pinarus

40 The Battle Field

41 The Battle TASK 1 Using your Artus book (pages 47-49) draw the position of the Macedonian and Persian armies. Label or use a key to identify each section.

42 TASK 2 Use a text book to draw and number arrows to indicate each phase of the battle.

43 Key - Persians Persians Key - Macedonians Macedonians Cavalry
Cardaces & Archers Phalanx (Gk. Mercenaries) King Darius Key - Macedonians Thessalian & Gk Cavalry Light Infantry Phalanx (under Craterus) Hypaspists Hetairoi & Alex. Archers Macedonians

44 Manoeuvres Persians D P P C/Ar C/Ar C Th/Gk C LI P P H C/A C Ar Macedonians

45 4 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 Cannot get up bank and break up.

46 Phases of the Battle PHASE 1
Alexander moves forwards, resting his troops to keep the line of the phalanx. Once in range of the Persian bowmen, he and his Companions charge into the Persian archers and Cardaces. The Agrianians, light cavalry and two battalions of the phalanx follow. At this point Darius fled. PHASE 2 The remaining phalanx cannot get up the bank and a gap opens up. The Persian mercenaries pour into the gap. Phases of the Battle

47 PHASE 3 The two phalanx fighting with Alexander having secured the Persians attacked the mercenaries in the flank. At the same time the Persian cavalry forced back the Macedonian Thessalians. PHASE 4 The Persians seeing their mercenaries being slaughtered and their King absent, leave the battle field with the Macedonians in pursuit.

48 Why did Alexander Win? Darius’ large army was more of a disability than a help. He didn’t have room to manoeuvre his troops. His back line was trapped and therefore ineffective. Alexander’s weapons were superior e.g. Sarissa Superior training and discipline of Macedonians, particularly the phalanx Darius fled, even though they were, at times, winning. His retreat, rather than the battle, led to the Persian defeat. The geography of the battle meant Darius could not spread his forces and outflank Alexander (ie. luck!).

49 Significance of the Win for Alexander
The Persian defeat signalled the end of the Persian navy and ended Persian occupation of the Aegean. This was the first time Alex had faced Darius in the battlefield and he defeated him even though Darius’ army was much larger The Persian defeat demoralised the Persians. Greek rebels were also demoralised and discouraged. Alexander took over Darius’ baggage train and therefore a lot of treasure and the Persian royal family (including Darius’ daughters, wife and mother). Alexander treated them as if they were his own, in effect taking on the role of the Great King of Persia. This was done for propaganda purposes. The battle of Issus completed Alexander’s take over of Asia Minor.

50 Events After the Battle
Make brief notes on: Alexander’s treatment of the Persian royal family. Cost of the victory for both sides

51 The Primary Sources on the Battle
Darius’s advisors flattery: “First one, then another of them blew up the bladder of his conceit by saying that the Persian cavalry would ride over the Macedonian army and trample it to pieces.” - Arrian “God himself… by suggesting to Darius to leave the open ground and cram his army into a confined space, has taken charge of operations in our behalf ” – Arrian “Spotting the worst breach in the Macedonian phalanx, the Greeks [mercenaries fighting for Persia] attacked. The action there was desperate, as the Greeks tried to drive the Macedonians back to the river… while the Macedonians, eager not to fall short of Alexander, whose success was already apparent, tried to preserve the good name of the phalanx. - Arrian

52 [Walking through Darius’ palatial tent and observing all the luxuries the Persian King travelled with] He turned to his companions and remarked: “So this, it seems, is what it is to be a king.” - Plutarch

53 Darius asks for the Return of his Ladies
After the battle Alexander travelled south into Syria, Phoenicia and Egypt. It was when Alexander was in Phoenicia that he received two requests from Darius to return his family.

54 First Request Arrian’s Version
Darius asked Alexander to return the royal and noble women. No ransom was offered. No territorial concessions were made. Darius offered to treat Alexander as an ally and friend. This was quite an offer as Darius was, in theory, superior to all. Darius blamed Philip for starting the campaign against him. Diodorus’ Version Darius offered a ransom. He said Alexander could keep the land he conquered The tone of the letter suggested that Alexander wrote it himself. The aim was to make Darius look bad which would give Alexander reason to keep the women.

55 Alexander’s Response Regardless of the evidence, Alexander rejected the request. He: demanded to be addressed as “King of Asia” and would only talk to Darius if he came to Alexander as his subject. blamed the Persians for starting the war. blamed Darius for instigating Philip’s murder and causing trouble in Greece. Alexander’s response served as propaganda because it justified his campaign and provoked Darius into another battle.

56 Second Request This time Alexander was in Tyre when Darius’ request arrived, he: offered Alexander a ransom for his family and all the territory to the west of the Euphrates River. Suggested they became allies and to strengthen the alliance Alexander could marry his daughter Barsine.

57 Alexander’s Response Once again he rejected Darius’ offer, he said: the country and treasures were already his if he wanted to marry Barsine he didn’t need Darius’ permission. Outcome The Persian women remained with Alexander. When Darius’ mother died she was given a royal burial by Alexander. He referred to Darius’ mother as his own. Alexander arranged marriages for Darius’ daughters and gave them a dowry each. His daughters were also educated in the Greek language and customs.

58 What other’s say… Hamilton “The Persian empire was a slow-moving giant, its size at once its strength and its weakness…” Bosworth “The grand army was effectively destroyed and the Syrian coast lay open to the young conqueror”

59 The Conquest of Asia Minor
Importance of Alexander’s Successes up to 333BC 1. 2. 3. 4.


61 After Issus, what next?

62 CONQUEST OF PHOENICIA Alexander had planned to conquer the Phoenician cities and Egypt. Why? He had to conquer the Phoenician cities because they provided Persia with a strong fleet in the Mediterranean. The Greek states were not to be trusted; as long as the Persians had any influence in the area some Greeks would always look to Persians for support. PHOENICIAN CITIES 332 BC Sidon, Aradus, Byblos, Tyre. These are the Phoenician strongholds. They were prosperous city-states; made money from trade. They were owned by Persia but Persia left them to run their internal affairs provided they supported her in war. As soon as they heard of Alexander’s approach they sent embassies to welcome him. In-fact the first three were very pleased to be rid of Persia and extended a warm welcome to Alexander. But the situation was different in Tyre.


64 The Siege of Tyre Use Artus (page 51) and Hamilton (pages 71-73) to complete the notes on this 7 month siege. Video: Siege_of_Tyre_clip

65 Problems and Solutions
The Siege of Tyre Course of the Siege – Problems and Solutions 800m to New City Construction of Causeway Attacks on engineers building causeway 50m Siege Towers constructed with catapults Fireship destroyed siege towers and causeway Built more towers and another causeway It was difficult for Alex to blockade the harbour Tyrian part of Persian navy changed sides Defenders cut ships mooring ropes Mooring chains used City walls were thick Rams and Catapults mounted on ships

66 The Primary Sources on the Battle
“To this Tyrian Heracles, Alexander said he wished to offer sacrifice. But when this message was brought to Tyre by the ambassadors, the people passed a decree to obey any other command of Alexander, but not to admit into the city any Persian or Macedonian; thinking that under the existing circumstances … that it would be the safest course for them to pursue in reference to the issue of the war, which was still uncertain.” - Arrian “The king himself climbed the highest siege-tower [which was full of catapults and other siege-engines]. His courage was great, but the danger greater for, conspicuous in his royal insignia and flashing armour, he was the prime target of enemy missiles.” – Curtius Rufus “The extent of the bloodshed can be judged from the fact that 6,000 fighting-men were slaughtered within the city's fortifications. It was a sad spectacle that the furious king then provided for the victors: 2,000 Tyrians, who had survived the rage of the tiring Macedonians, now hung nailed to crosses all along the huge expanse of the beach.” – Curtius Rufus

67 Some questions to get you thinking....
The Siege of Tyre How did the Tyrians treat Alexander initially? What did Alexander request and why? How did the Tyrians respond? Why did the Tyrians feel so secure? Why was it important for Alexander to control the whole of Tyre? Why was Tyre difficult to besiege? Describe in detail the course of the battle, problems experienced by Alexander and how he dealt with them. Duration of battle? How did it all end? How did Alexander treat the defeated Tyrians and why? What happened with neighbouring city states eg Cyprus after the fall of Tyre?


69 Use this slide to ask questions about Alexander’s character – what was he like and what evidence can we provide. If possible (depending whether or not you can point your data projector at your whiteboard), get students to write points around Alexander figure.


71 Egypt Welcomes Alexander
Three stops: Memphis (Cairo) Alexandria Siwah

72 Alexander marched towards Egypt in battle formation, but the Egyptians sent embassies to welcome him as their liberator. Why?

MEMPHIS Alexander crowned Pharaoh. As such he is now recognized as a god and son of Ammo- Ra. (This leads to conflict with the Macedonians) ALEXANDRIA Created new city to replace Tyre as the trading center of the Eastern Mediterranean. One of his most famous cities. ALEXANDER’S VISIT TO EGYPT SIWAH Welcomed into the inner shrine and confirmed as the son of god Ammon-Ra. (This also leads to conflict with the Macedonians)


75 The Battle of Guagamela (331 BC)

76 Alexander vs. Darius

77 The March to Gaugamela

78 Gaugamela X

79 Astronomical diary describing the battle of Gaugamela.
Background After he had been in Tyre, Alexander hears that Darius is in Babylon. Darius has managed to reassemble an army which relied on the cavalry. He no longer used mercenaries. Alexander marches towards Babylon and then turns north. Why? There was more food for his horses. It was cooler. To draw Darius away from the extensive plain suited to his cavalry. Astronomical diary describing the battle of Gaugamela.

80 As Alexander had planned, Darius followed, finding a suitable battle field near Gaugamela.
Hearing that Darius was close by Alexander stopped before Gaugamela to rest his troops and fortify a camp. He then went to observe the Persian army which out numbered the Macedonians by around 5 to 1. Parmenio advised Alexander to hold off the attack. Alexander did because Darius had levelled the ground and may have it ‘mined’, and it gave Alexander time to work out what to do with the Persian cavalry.

81 The Battle of Gaugamela - Background
From his camp, Alexander could see: He was outnumbered at least 5 to 1 Darius had prepared the battlefield to suit the Persians. Parmenio’s Advice: Attack at night to surprise Persians Alexander’s Response: “I will not steal victory like a thief” (Arrian)

82 The Battle of Gaugamela – Orders Prior to Battle
“Get a good sleep tonight – we attack in the morning” “Stay alert tonight for a sneak attack.”

83 The Morning of the Battle
Alexander sleeps in and wakes full of confidence. He gives his troops a pep talk and orders them to have a good breakfast. Finally he gives the order to advance.

84 PHASE 1 Alexander moves to the right. Darius moves his troops to the left, following Alexander’s lead. He moves the Scythian chariots and Bactrians from the front, left wing, to the Macedonian right to stop them moving further. PHASE 2 Macedonian mercenaries charged the Scythians and Bactrians. The Persians had the upper hand so the Paeonians advanced. A further contingent of Bactrians attack.

85 PHASE 3 Darius’ launches the scythe-chariots against the Macedonian phalanx. The chariots fail as the phalanx is highly trained and allows them to pass through. The chariots are then attacked.

86 PHASE 4 Darius orders a general attack. Parmenio’s wing is attacked. The remainder of the cavalry on the Persian left move to support the Bactrians. They are attacked by the Macedonain lancers. PHASE 5 At this moment a gap opens in the Persian line, left of centre. Alexander moves a wedge of cavalry into the gap. On their left the Companions are supported by the hypaspists and 4 battalions of the phalanx. The Companions made their way to the Persian centre where Darius was. The Persian horse guards and Greek mercenaries hold the Companions up, allowing Darius to flee. PHASE 6 Parmenio sends a message to Alexander requesting help. Realising Darius had fled and seeing Alexander approach, the Bactrians on the Persian left retreated. The Macedonian left was still under attack.

87 Cavalry and Infantry under satrap Bessus
The Battle of Gaugamela – Positioning of Troops Persian Centre: Darius with bodyguard of spearmen and horsemen, Gk Mercenaries, Indian Cavalry. In front were elephants and scythe chariots. Persian Right: Massive group of cavalry under satrap Mazaeus Persian Left: Cavalry and Infantry under satrap Bessus

88 Extra Gk cavalry on right to protect flank
The Battle of Gaugamela – Positioning of Troops Macedonian Centre: Phalanx on oblique angle Hypaspists Extra phalanx with orders to face the rear if encircled. Macedonian Left: Thessalian Cavalry under Parmenio Extra Gk cavalry on left to protect flank Macedonian Right: Companion cavalry Extra Gk cavalry on right to protect flank

89 The Battle of Gaugamela
Video Clip – alexander_gaugamela (modern movie)

90 The Course of the Battle
6. Parmenio was hard pressed by Mazaeus and called for help. Alex did not chase after Darius but moved to assist Parmenio. He came across Persians trying to escape. Many Companions were killed in this fight. 3. Darius ordered a general offensive. Mazaeus was launched against Parmenio’s wing and the rest of the cavalry were sent to help Bessus on Alexander’s right. 5. Darius decided that the battle was lost and fled. On his left, Bessus and the Bactrian cavalry followed. 1. Alex advanced to the right edge of the battlefield. Darius launched a cavalry attack to stop this. 4. This caused a gap to open in the Persian line, to the left of the centre. Alexander, waiting for this opportunity, charged towards Darius 7. By the time Alexander was able to get to Parmenio’s side he was no longer needed. Mazaeus escaped, pursued by Thessalians 2. Darius’ elephants and scythe-chariots attacked but they were stopped by lancers and ‘corridors’ created by the phalanx.

91 The Battle of Gaugamela – The Significance of the Victory
For Alexander: He was ‘Lord of Asia’ at 25 He had destroyed Darius’s army and power He had access to the key cities of the Persian Empire, including the vast wealth of the Persians. For Darius: He lost almost all power and prestige He continued to flee from Alexander, until he was killed in Northern Persia in 329BC


93 Answer in detail and provide examples.
What can we learn from The Battle of Gaugamela about Alexander’s military expertise? Answer in detail and provide examples.

94 Ordering his troops to rest the night before is good management.
Alexander’s Military Expertise Ordering his troops to rest the night before is good management. Positioning of the troops shows anticipation of a difficult situation where being outflanked was a strong possibility. Diagonal movement towards edge of battlefield shows cunning through anticipation of Darius’s response. Splitting of phalanx to deal with scythe chariots shows how well-drilled Alex’s troops were. Decisive charge shows Alex’s ability to seize his opportunity to make a decisive break. Decision not to pursue Darius is wise, because of need to preserve his own army. Summary: Victory at Gaugamela was against enormous odds. This battle shows the full range of Alex’s skills as a general.


96 Into the Heart of the Empire
Watch the clip of Alexander’s arrival in Babylon. What impressions does this give of a) The Macedonians and b) The Persians?

After the battle of Gaugamela, Alexander considered himself to be the Great King of Persia. However, he still had not captured the capital of the empire (Persepolis) and King Darius was still alive.

98 Battle at the Persian Gates
The satrap of Persis, Ariobarzanes, was at the Persian Gates with 25,000 troops. Alexander made a frontal attack but he was forced to retreat leaving his dead men behind (they were recovered later). Having failed the first time, Alexander left Craterus with some troops to keep Ariobarzanes occupied, while he marched with the bulk of the army up the mountains, over a pass. On the second day, he came up behind Ariobarzanes and with Craterus on the other side, they surrounded him. The majority of the Persians were cut down or perished in their flight. Only a handful of horsemen escaped with Ariobarzanes. At Persepolis, Craterus was appointed to the position of second-in-command (Parmenio was “retired” at Ecbatana, put in charge of communication between Alexander and Greece).

99 Pursuing Darius After Gaugamela, Alexander pursued Darius for several months into northern Persia. Darius was killed by Bessus (one of his generals) in 329BC and left by the side of the road. Alexander continued to pursue Bessus, the general who now claimed he was ‘The Great King’. Darius’ murder was opportune for Alexander because if he had been captured alive it would be difficult to know what to do with him. Alexander proceeded to act as Darius’ legitimate successor. He sent the body to Persepolis to be buried in the tomb of the Achaemenid kings. Darius’ murder took place here Video Clip: Footsteps of Alexander 13: Death of Darius

100 External Problems Internal Problems
Troubles in Northern Persia Chasing Darius, then his killers Bessus, Narbarzanes and Barsaentes. Fighting rebellious satraps including Spitemenes. Travelling through unfamiliar mountains in extreme weather. External Problems Unhappy Macedonians: ð   Conspiracy of Philotas ð   Murder of Cleitus ð   Conspiracy of the Pages ð   An Endless Quest? Internal Problems

Several rebellions broke out all over Sogdiana. Alexander decided to change his military strategy to deal with this new kind of warfare. This highlights Alexander’s adaptability and ingenuity. He no longer expected to fight pitched battles. These people were obviously highly mobile, knew the countryside well and took refuge in natural fortresses up high on rocks or in steppes. So the phalanx was no longer as important. Instead he needed small detachments of both infantry and cavalry working under different commanders. Therefore Alexander divided up his forces into 5 columns which swept through the countryside storming the fortified places and securing them for Alexander.

102 The Provinces of Bactria and Sogdia
Because the army was now fighting smaller battles in mountainous terrain, Alexander split his army into smaller units, disbanding his phalanx units and disgarding the sarissae. He captured Bessus in 328BC and had him executed, Persian style. The rebellious satrap Spitemenes was eventually defeated after leading a guerilla campaign against Alexander. Other military campaigns in these provinces: Capturing the Sogdian Rock 327BC Massacring Indian tribesmen Capturing the Rock of Aornus 326BC Murder of Cleitus Pages Conspiracy

103 Alexander Gets Married!
After the capture of the Sogdian Rock, Alexander fell in love with Roxane the daughter of Oxyartes, the local satrap. They were married in a traditional Persian ceremony. The picture of the ceremony is from a later Indian source.

104 Was it love or politics? In small groups discuss whether you think Alexander married for love or politics. Some things to think about.... Roxanne was the daughter of Oxyartes (local baron who Alex defeated in The Sogdian Rock) Why did Alex choose to get married in a traditional Persian ceremony? What were the positive and negative outcomes of this?

105 Continue on if time

106 The Rock of Aornus Use the clip from In the Footsteps of Alexander to answer the following questions: 1. What Greek legend existed about the Rock of Aornus? 2. Why would Alexander want to conquer the rock? 3. What difficulties did he overcome? 4. What does this episode say about Alexander’s character? Video Clip: Footsteps 24 – Climbing Pir Sar


108 CONQUEST OF INDIA 327BC Introduction
India was divided up into a number of small states, each one with its own ruler. The main resistance came from the powerful king Porus who ruled the lands to the north-east of the river Indus. Why did Alexander invade India? His continuing success encouraged him to keep going; he enjoyed the thrill of conquest. Perhaps he never intended to return back to Macedonia. Under Darius, the Persian Empire extended to the Indus river so Alexander being competitive, had to get to that point too.

109 The Battle of Jhelum (Hydaspes) 326BC
Above: Battle elephants were an important part of the Indian King Porus’ army. Left: An almost incomprehensible map of the battle.

110 The Battle of Jhelum (Hydaspes) 326BC Tricking Porus (The Indian King)
Alexander pretended to cross several times at various crossing points Craterus was left at camp with a large force, instructed to fake another crossing. Meanwhile, Alex would lead the real crossing 17 miles to the north.

111 The Battle of Jhelum (Hydaspes) 326BC Crossing the River
Heavy rain and thunder in the night helped conceal Alex’s movements The weather eased in the morning, so Alex could begin crossing. Alex disembarked,but was shocked to realise that they were only on an island half way across. Alex’s force quickly crossed in chin-deep water and formed up for battle.

112 The Battle of Jhelum (Hydaspes) 326BC What helped Alex?
Porus did not believe Alex’s force was the main attack. So he send his son with a small force, that engaged the Macedonians and was wiped out. Soon after Porus arrived for the battle proper.

113 The Return to Babylon On the journey south down the River Indus, Alexander was responsible for several massacres in villages of the Mallian people. Then in an attack on a Mallian village, Alexander was seriously wounded by an arrow through the lungs. His men believed he was dead, until he was paraded before them lying in a litter. Having reached the Indus delta, Alexander sent the navy under Nearcus to go by sea, while he took the army by land across the Gedrosian Desert. This proved to be a terrible mistake, as the Navy was forced to resort to piracy, while an estimated 40,000 men died in the desert. The Gedrosian Desert Pic:


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