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ATLAS Upgrade Program Sarah Demers, US ATLAS Fellow with BNL

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1 ATLAS Upgrade Program Sarah Demers, US ATLAS Fellow with BNL
Yale University 2013 US LHC Users Organization Annual Meeting

2 What ATLAS vulnerabilities appear with increased luminosity and time?

3 detector detector in pile-up
What ATLAS vulnerabilities appear with increased luminosity and time? detector detector in pile-up


5 PHYSICS The Standard Model Open access to new ideas and searches
Continue to test SM Continue to use SM physics to measure efficiencies Open access to new ideas and searches Increase flexibility of trigger system

6 Current Work Includes:
Insertable B-Layer Topological Trigger Combining muon and calorimeter objects – can make requirements on angular distributions masses to select signal or reject BG

7 Fast TracKer (FTK) Electronics for global tracking on every L1 Trigger to provide early access to tracking information at Level 2. Main motivation: b- and t-tagging

8 FTK Efficiencies for muons and pions with respect to
truth (simulation) and offline reconstruction ATLAS-TDR

9 2018 – fb pile-up events Phase-I

10 Phase-I Level1 Calorimeter Trigger/Readout Muon New Small Wheel

11 Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger: Increased Granularity

12 Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger: Increased Granularity
Current L1 Trigger Tower

13 Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger: Increased Granularity
Current L1 Trigger Tower Full Detector Granularity

14 Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger: Increased Granularity
Current L1 Trigger Tower Phase-II Supercell Full Detector Granularity

15 Muon New Small Wheel (NSW)
A set of precision tracking and trigger detectors that can work at high rates with excellent time and spatial resolution. ATLAS-TDR

16 Muon New Small Wheel Low purity (currenty) in the end-cap region

17 Segment finding for a 2 TeV Z’ decaying
Muon New Small Wheel Segment finding for a 2 TeV Z’ decaying to a pair of muons

18 Phase-II 2024 – 203x 3000 fb-1 140 – 200 pile-up events Level 1 Track

19 The ATLAS Tracking Chambers

20 an example upgrade layout

21 channel occupancy with 200 pile-up interactions

22 Constraints Include Access

23 From ATLAS Phase-II Letter of Intent

24 Motivation for the Track Trigger

25 Performance assumptions based on full simulation for an upgraded ATLAS detector at a High-Luminosity LHC The ATLAS Collaboration ATLAS-PUB

26 25 GeV for electrons and muons 60 GeV for photons and taus
Performance assumptions based on full simulation for an upgraded ATLAS detector at a High-Luminosity LHC The ATLAS Collaboration ATLAS-PUB offline cuts of 25 GeV for electrons and muons 60 GeV for photons and taus 180 GeV for Missing ET

27 Performance assumptions based on full simulation for an upgraded ATLAS detector at a High-Luminosity LHC The ATLAS Collaboration ATLAS-PUB


29 Sensitivity of ATLAS at HL-LHC to flavour changing neutral currents in top quark decays t → cH, with H → gg ATLAS-PHYS-PUB

30 Prospects for benchmark SSUY search at high luminosity with the ATLAS Detector ATL-PUB-2013-001
The 95 % CL exclusion limits (dashed) and 5-sigma discovery reach (solid) for 300 inverse fb (red) and 3000 fb-1 (black) in the stop, neutralino-1 mass plane assuming a stop to top and neutralino-1 decay with a branching ratio of 100 %.

31 Propoer Decay Time Resolution

32 Conclusions Physics Goals drive the ATLAS upgrade Plan
Increased Performance and Flexibility of our detector and trigger will allow us to use SM physics to understand our detector in new machine environments continue to Probe the Higgs Boson search for other physics beyond the SM respond to what we uncover at high energy!

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