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The Standard Model - Bosons

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1 The Standard Model - Bosons
Bosons – Have different properties than quarks and leptons. *Gauge bosons - force carriers Force Carrier Bosons: Photon - Force carrier for electromagnetic forces Z and W Bosons - Force carriers for the weak force Gluon- Force carrier for the strong force

2 The Standard Model – Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson – Same properties as the other bosons (physically) BUT has a different function This particle gives mass to other particles. Without mass, particles cannot interact.

3 The Standard Model – The Higgs Field
Higgs particles are evidence of the Higgs Field – which all other particles interact with. At the start of universe - all particles moved through & interacted with the Higgs Field More interaction = more mass Less interaction = less mass

4 Why Do We Need Mass? Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
A force of attraction exists between any objects with mass

5 Higgs Boson Detection Announced on July 4, 2012
Two main teams: Atlas and CMS both found enough evidence of a particle matching the hypothesized Higgs Achieved 5-sigma of certainty 1 in 3.5 million that the results are wrong


7 Third Nine Weeks Project Modern Physics – Article Reviews
For each review, please include The Article Must be at least one printed page in length Must have be current, no earlier than 2010* Blogs or editorials must have approval prior to use Suggested Sources for Articles News Sources (ABC News, NBC News, CNN, New York Times..) Scholarly Journals (Nature, Scientific American….)

8 Third Nine Weeks Project Modern Physics – Article Reviews
For each review, please include The Article Citation (MLA) Major Findings (1 – 2 Paragraphs) *Article Reflection (1 – 2 Paragraphs) First Article on the Higgs Boson/Standard Model


10 Gravitational Waves Back to Einstein - 1916
General Theory of Relativity Visualized the dimensions of space-time like a blanket or sheet. Objects with mass cause ‘dents’ in this ‘fabric’

11 Gravitational Waves 3-Dimensional Look
Movement causes ‘ripples’ in this fabric Larger objects, more movement causes larger ‘ripples’

12 Gravitational Waves - Detection
September 14, 2015 First measured gravitational wave Measured by LIGO using two different experimental set-ups in Washington state and Louisiana. Verified with measurements from Europe.

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