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Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV)

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1 Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV)
Satish C Bhalla, PhD Department of Computer Science and Engineering Johnson C Smith University Charlotte, NC

2 Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV)
Visualization tool for exploring and analyzing large genome datasets Work with prebuilt genomes or import a genome View a variety of data such as expression data, NGS alignments, microarray, epigenomics, RNA-Seq, genomic annotations etc. Run it locally on your desktop or launch it from the Broad Institute website. Must register for launching or down loading. IGV is a Java application 5/22/2018

3 Outline Launch or download IGV IGV user interface
Main Window Tool Bar Ex. 1- Load a genome and define a region of interest Ex. 2 – Search for Bladder Cancer Gene - DAPK1 Ex. 3 - IGV Tools Ex. 4 - SAMTOOLS 5/22/2018

4 Launch or Download IGV Launch from Broad Institute website:
Go to The first time you sign on, you will need to register to download IGV. Click on the first launch icon (Launch with 750MB); 750MB is the smallest memory available and is sufficient for most applications. Download IGV Alternatively, you may download IGV zip file and install on your desktop. If you want to install and start IGV from command line (UNIX terminal) you will need the binary distribution. 5/22/2018

5 Launch or download IGV http://www. broadinstitute

6 IGV Main Window (Source: IGV User Guide)

7 Tool Bar 5/22/2018

8 Ex. 1- Load a genome and define a region of interest
Load a genome – Arabidopsis thaliana. Select a chromosome – chr 1. Define a region of interest. Display the nucleotide sequence. 5/22/2018

9 Load a genome sequence Arabidopsis thaliana

10 Select Chromosome 1 5/22/2018

11 Define region of interest Click and drag anywhere on the chromosome; zoom in

12 Increase the zoom and display the nucleotide sequence

13 Ex. 2 – Search for Bladder Cancer Gene - DAPK1
Load a prebuilt genome – Human hg19. Search for a bladder cancer gene - DAPK1. View the gene sequence. Translate the nucleotide sequence to an amino acid sequence. Copy sequence and save it to your hard drive. 5/22/2018

14 Load Human Genome - hg19 Click on chr 9

15 Chromosome 9 Human Genome - hg19

16 Search for a bladder cancer gene – DAPK1

17 DAPK1 Gene Sequence 5/22/2018

18 Gene Sequence Translation

19 Ex. 3 IGV Tools Use IGV Tools to sort a file, (use SORT command)
create an index file (use index command) create a .tdf file, (use ‘to TDF’ command) 5/22/2018

20 IGV Tools: sort command Sort dnai1.reads.sam

21 IGV Tools: index command create an index on dnai1. reads. sorted
IGV Tools: index command create an index on dnai1.reads.sorted.sam Output file: dnai1.reads.sorted.sam.sai 5/22/2018

22 IGV Tools: ‘toTDF’ command Convert dnai1. reads. sorted
IGV Tools: ‘toTDF’ command Convert dnai1.reads.sorted.sam to a binary tiled data file (.tdf) 5/22/2018

Make SAMTOOLS executable (use make command) Use SAMTOOLS to: Convert SAM file to a BAM file Sort the BAM file (use sort command) Create an index on BAM file (use index command) 5/22/2018

24 Install SAMTOOLS SAMTOOLS is an open source program.
Download latest version of samtools tar.bz2 (514.5 kB) from sourceforge or samtools website Unzip and install. Commands are given on the command line in the UNIX environment. Basic usage: samtools <command> [options] If you happen to be using Windows computer, you may buy a KNOPPIX (LINUX) DVD or download Linux on a cd and make it executable. 5/22/2018

25 How to make SAMTOOLS executable?
Start SAMTOOLS and make it executable with make command Point to SAMTOOLS in the igvdata directory. Right click > open in terminal make 5/22/2018

26 Convert a SAM file to a BAM file with SAMTOOLS
./samtools view –b –S dnai1.reads.sam > dnai1_reads.bam (Give the full path name of the input file such as: /media/sdb1/igvdata/ dnai1.reads.sam). Note: You may convert SAM to BAM in Galaxy if you are familiar with it. 5/22/2018

27 Sort a BAM file In order to create an index BAM file, it needs to be sorted first. ./samtools sort –m dnai1_reads.bam dnai1_reads_sorted.bam Note: Modifier –m indicates the maximum amount of memory that can be used 5/22/2018

28 Create a BAM index file Create an index file on dnai1_reads.sorted.bam
./samtools index dnai1_reads_sorted.bam dnai1_reads_sorted.sam.sai will be created and saved in the same directory as the input file. 5/22/2018

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