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Barking spider By Ryan Bajramov.

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1 Barking spider By Ryan Bajramov

2 Features The Barking Spider is large and hairy. As with all spiders it has two body segments, eight legs and two palaps at the front that are used for touching and moving prey. Some of the barking spiders adaptations is it’s ability to create a bark by rubbing it’s rows of spines on their Palaps against the spines on their lower jaw. Another adaptation of the barking spider is it’s gill-like lungs which require humidity. They have adapted to digging and spend most of their life in the moist underground. The deserts usually have flash floods and the barking spider lives in leaky roof burrows

3 Adaptation Barking Spiders are primitive spiders called Mygalomorphs (which means 'mouse like') and have gill-like lungs that require humidity. They are built for digging and spend most of their life in the moist underground. Barking Spiders produce their barking sound by rubbing rows of spines on their palaps against spines on their lower jaw. This noise is used to deter predators. The deserts are prone to flash flooding and Barking Spiders live in burrows with leaky rooves. The hairs on their body trap air bubbles during flash floods and the air pocket prevents them from drowing. Barking Spiders have brush feet with claw tufts and a film of oil produced from a special gland which give them a suction cup ability to climb smooth verticle surfaces.

4 Predators The barking spider has 4 different predators they are red fox's, dingos, feral cats and owls. These 4 species have be growing in population super fast and also killing many barking spiders. This is the barking spiders real 1 threat on it’s survival. The barking spider uses it’s bark to evade/escape from it’s predators.

5 Environment The barking spider are ground dwellers. Adult females live in a wed-lined burrows while younger spiders and males use flimsy silk retreats under rocks and logs. They live in mulga country deserts and in tropical rainforests of Queensland.


7 Fun facts Did you know the barking spider is know as Australia's tarantulas, as they belong the family Theraphosidae. The barking spider also has no teeth so they rely on their venom to kill their prey. They are also know as bird eating spiders as they have sometimes eaten small birds from nests that are on the ground. They also use their sucking stomachs to suck up their prey.

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