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how we told their stories

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Presentation on theme: "how we told their stories"— Presentation transcript:

1 how we told their stories
Salford Central Mission War Memorial how we told their stories

2 We pinned them to a map

3 We added them to a blog

4 Each soldier has a blog page

5 Their story in image, text and sound

6 We recorded their stories as audio

7 Websites

8 Scanning Photos Scan photo Crop photo in Paint or Word
Save scanned photo as Owner’s Name, e.g. Joe-Bloggs Save cropped photo to Student Shared Area in Historypin folder

9 Recording Audio Record audio using Audacity, Soundcloud or a voice recorder Identify Owner at start of recording by name, street address and date of story, e.g. My name is Joe Bloggs. My family lived at 56 My Street, Salford during WW1. Continue recording story (about 3-5 minutes) until finished Save story using Owner’s Name as file name, e.g. Joe-Bloggs Save audio recording to Student Shared Area in Historypin folder

10 Uploading Audio Upload audio to Soundcloud Go to Soundcloud webpage
Click Upload button. Browse to Student Shared Area to find file you just recorded and select it Name recording on Soundcloud using Owner’s Name as Title, e.g. Joe-Bloggs Click Save to finish uploading

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