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Seamless Knowledge with Topic Maps

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1 Seamless Knowledge with Topic Maps
A Standard Model for Metadata, Taxonomies, Ontologies, and Knowledge Management Steve Pepper Chief Strategy Officer, Ontopia Convenor, SC34/WG3 Editor, XML Topic Maps

2 Ontopia – The Topic Maps Company
Our mission: To provide Topic Maps technology and services for information and knowledge management Background: Established April 2000 out of STEP Infotek Headquarters in Oslo, Norway Partners in 13 countries around the world Recognized leaders of the Topic Maps community Products: Ontopia Knowledge Suite™ Consultancy, training, and application development through partners On'topia, 1999.[f. Gr. ‘onto-’ (being) + Gr. ‘topos’ (place); see -IA.] I. An imaginary world in which knowledge is well organized. II. A company that provides tools to help you realize your own Ontopia… Norway Partners: Bouvet AS Lava Group

3 What is Topic Maps? An International Standard for subject-based organization of information and knowledge management More importantly… What is Topic Maps used for? (What are topic maps used for?) Organizing large bodies of information Capturing organizational memory Representing complex rules and processes Supporting concept-based eLearning Managing distributed knowledge and information Aggregating information and knowledge etc… Seamless Knowledge

4 Perspectives on Topic Maps
The information management perspective A standard for subject-based organization of information in support of findability The knowledge management perspective A knowledge representation formalism optimized for use in information management – the world’s first standard for KM The library science perspective A way to collocate all knowledge about a subject – in particular its relationship to other subjects and to information resources 4

5 ISO 13250: Background and current status
Origins date back to early 1990’s Davenport Group  GCARI / CAPH  ISO First Edition International Standard (ISO/IEC 13250:2000) Model and syntax based on SGML Second Edition XML Topic Maps (XML version for use on the Web) ISO 13250: 2003 (includes XTM) Revised Edition Multipart standard appearing in 2005 Includes data model, query language, constraint language

6 Topics Associations Occurrences Taxonomies Metadata Ontologies
The TAO of Topic Maps Topics Associations Occurrences Taxonomies Metadata Ontologies

7 The core Topic Maps model
Callas, Maria …………………… 42 Cavalleria Rusticana … 71, Mascagni, Pietro Cavalleria Rusticana . 71, Pavarotti, Luciano ……………… 45 Puccini, Giacomo ………. 23, 26-31 Tosca ………………. 65, Rustic Chivalry, see Cavalleria Rusticana singers ……………………… baritone ………………………. 46 bass ……………………… soprano ……………… 41-42, 337 tenor ……………………… see also Callas, Pavarotti Tosca ………………… 65, The core concepts of Topic Maps are based on those of the back-of-book index The same basic concepts have been extended and generalized for use with digital information Envisage a 2-layer data model consisting of a set of information resources (below), and a “knowledge map” (above) This is like the division of a book into content and index knowledge layer information layer (index) (content)

8 (1) The information layer
The lower layer contains the content usually digital, but need not be can be in any format or notation or location can be text, graphics, video, audio, etc. This is like the content of the book to which the back-of-book index belongs information layer

9 (2) The knowledge layer The upper layer consists of topics and associations Topics represent the subjects that the information is about Like the list of topics that forms a back-of-book index Associations represent relationships between those subjects Like “see also” relationships in a back-of-book index composed by composed by Tosca Puccini born in Madame Butterfly Lucca knowledge layer

10 Linking the layers through occurrences
The two layers are linked together Occurrences are relationships with information resources that are pertinent to a given subject The links (or locators) are like page numbers in a back-of-book index composed by composed by Tosca Puccini born in Madame Butterfly Lucca knowledge layer information layer

11 Summary of core concepts
Some pool of information or data any type, any format, any location information Let’s look at some TAOs in the Omnigator… A knowledge layer consisting of: knowledge Topics a set of topics representing the key subjects of the domain in question Puccini Tosca Lucca Madame Butterfly Associations representing relationships between subjects composed by born in Occurrences links to information that is somehow relevant to a given subject The TAO of Topic Maps

12 current topic (multiple) types multiple typed occurrences multiple names multiple typed associations

13 With this simple but flexible model you can
Represent subjects explicitly Topics represent the “things” your users are interested in Capture relationships between subjects Associations provide user-friendly navigation paths to information They also promote serendipitous knowledge discovery through browsing Make information findable Topics provide a “one-stop-shop” for everything that is known about a subject Occurrences allow information about a common subject to be linked across multiple systems or databases Represent taxonomies and thesauri Associations may represent hierarchical relationships Topic Maps permits multiple, interlinked hierarchies and faceted classification Transcend simple hierarchies Rich associative structures capture the complexity of knowledge and reflect the way people think Manage knowledge The topic map is the embodiment of “corporate memory”

14 Topic Maps and ontologies
The term “ontology” is used in many different ways: “An ontology is the types and subtypes of concepts and relations that exist in some domain…” John Sowa: Knowledge Representation (Pacific Grove, 2000) In Topic Maps the basic building blocks are Topics: e.g. “Puccini”, “Lucca”, “Tosca” Associations: e.g. “Puccini was born in Lucca” Occurrences: e.g. “ is a biography of Puccini” Each of these constructs can be typed Topic types: “composer”, “city”, “opera” Association types: “born in”, “composed by” Occurrence types: “biography”, “street map”, “synopsis” All such types are also topics (within the same topic map) “Puccini” is a topic of type “composer” … and “composer” is also a topic A topic map thus contains its own ontology!

15 Five cool things to do with a topic map
Querying Constraining Filtering Visualizing Merging

16 Querying topic maps Topic Maps is based on a formal data model
This means that topic maps can be queried, like databases ISO Topic Maps Query Language (TMQL) Companion to ISO 13250, currently being balloted in ISO Allows more powerful use of taxonomies to retrieve information Permits queries that would make Google boggle (see below) TMQL is based on Ontopia’s query language tolog Demo of querying in the Omnigator Query example: Give me all composers that composed operas that were based on plays that were written by Shakespeare

17 Constraining topic maps
ISO itself provides no way to constrain topic maps Examples of constraints: “All persons must be born somewhere” “A person may have died somewhere” Constraints are necessary in order to: Permit semantic validation of content Ensure consistency Enable more intuitive user interfaces Simplify application development ISO Topic Maps Constraint Language (TMCL) Companion to ISO 13250, currently being balloted in ISO Will interoperate with OWL (Web Ontology Language) Ontopia has developed OSL for its customers Demo of OSL in the Omnigator

18 Filtering, scoping and personalizing topic maps
Multiple world views Reality is ambiguous and knowledge has a subjective dimension Scope allows the expression of multiple perspectives in a single topic map Typical application: Combining related but divergent taxonomies Contextual knowledge Some knowledge is only valid in a certain context, and not valid otherwise Scope enables the expression of contextual validity Personalized knowledge Different users have different knowledge requirements Scope permits personalization based on personal references, skill levels, security clearance, etc. Demo of scope-based filtering in the Omnigator

19 Visualizing topic maps
The network or graph structure of a topic map can be visualized for humans This provides another “view” on information that can lead to new insights Demo of visualization using Vizigator

20 Merging topic maps Topic Maps can be merged automatically
You can always and in any situation take any two arbitrary topic maps and merge them to a single topic map This cannot be done with databases or XML documents The merge capability enables many advanced applications Information integration across repositories Sharing and reusing taxonomies Automated content aggregation Distributed knowledge management The concept that makes merging possible is subject identity Topic Maps has a robust mechanism for using URIs as identifiers

21 Principles of merging in Topic Maps
In Topic Maps, every topic represents some subject The collocation objective requires exactly one topic per subject When two topic maps are merged, topics that represent the same subject should be merged to a single topic When two topics are merged, the resulting topic has the union of the characteristics of the two original topics name occurrence association role A second topic (in another topic map) “about” the same subject T name occurrence association role T ...and the resulting topic has the union of the original characteristics name occurrence association role T Merge the two topics together... Demo of merging in the Omnigator…

22 How Topic Maps improves access to information
Intuitive navigational interfaces for humans The topic/association layer mirrors the way people think Powerful semantic queries for applications A formal underlying data structure Customized views based on individual requirements Personalization based on scope Information aggregation across systems and organizations Topic Maps can be merged automatically…

23 Applications of Topic Maps
Taxonomy Management Metadata Management Semantic Portals… Information Integration eLearning Business Process Modelling Product Configuration Business Rules Management IT Asset Management Asset Management (Manufacturing)

24 Taxonomy management Addresses the problem of managing unstructured content Organization by subject is seen as the solution – because that’s how users search More and more companies are looking into and developing taxonomies A taxonomy is a simple form of topic map Topic Maps provides subject-based organization de-luxe Using Topic Maps offers many benefits: Standards-based means vendor independence and data longevity Associative model allows for evolution beyond simple hierarchies The taxonomy can also be used as a thesaurus, a glossary or an index Identity model permits merging and reuse The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst) uses the OKS as the basis of a taxonomy management system This capability can also be added to Content Management Systems

25 Metadata management On behalf of the Norwegian Government Administration Services Lava Group is building a metadata server Metadata for government publications will be managed using the OKS Will be used in the central public information portal (ODIN) (System currently under development) The system provides Authoring system used by the editors Vocabulary Editor for adjusting the metadata vocabulary used Metadata Export to various systems Web services based on the metadata Unique identifiers for documents Unparallelled future flexibility Indexes Engine ODIN Meta- data FAST Search engine ODIN Metadata server (OKS) Logistics Exported subjects ASCII-export MUP Lovdata

26 Semantic portals Topic Maps as Information Architecture for web delivery applications Web sites, portals, corporate intranets, etc. Site structure is defined as a topic map Each page represents a topic (subject-centric) User-friendly navigation paths defined by associations Topics used to classify content High potential for portal connectivity using TMRAP Permits evolution towards Knowledge Management solutions The OKS has been used to create portals, e.g. (Norwegian public sector portal to cultural information): Apollon (University of Oslo research magazine):

27 Dynamic Content Aggregation
An Application of Seamless Knowledge Automatic Portal Integration Topic Maps Remote Access Protocol

28 Semantic portals Think of Topic Maps as an Information Architecture
Topic Maps is an ideal model for portals and other forms of web-based information delivery The basic concept is to have the topic map drive the portal Not just a navigational layer on top of something else The very structure of the portal is a topic map All content is organized around topics (“subject-centric organization”) Each page represents a topic (we call this a “Topic Page”) Topics act as points of collocation They provide a “one-stop shop” for everything that is known about a particular subject Navigating the portal == Navigating the topic map Associations provide very intuitive navigation (“As we may think”)

29 A topic page the current topic (multiple) types multiple names
multiple typed occurrences multiple typed associations

30 current topic occurrences associations

31 the current topic multiple names multiple occurrences multiple associations

32 The rise and rise of semantic portals
In Norway, this concept has been put into practice on a scale that is verging on the industrial, especially among government agencies At present there are over a dozen, with more on the way Some semantic portals in Norway: In production (Ministry of Education) (Research Council of Norway) (Consumers Association) (Norwegian Defence) (Ministry of Agriculture) (Ministry of Justice) (Ministry of Culture) Under development (Norwegian Conservative Party) Skatteetaten (Tax Office) Statsministerens kontor (Office of the Prime Minister) Statistisk Sentralbyrå (Central Bureau of Statistics) IFE/Halden (Nuclear Reactor Project) etc.

33 Towards seamless knowledge
As the number of portals multiplies, the amount of overlap increases… Take these three portals as an example: (Research Council web site aimed at young adults) (Public site of the Norwegian Consumer Association) (Biosecurity portal of the Department of Agriculture)

34 Genetically modified food at

35 Genetically modified food at Forbukerrådet

36 Genetically modified foodstuffs at Matportalen

37 Three semantic portals – One common subject
 one “virtual portal” with seamless navigation in all directions

38 Achieving seamless knowledge
Very little is required for these portals to achieve a simple but effective form of Seamless Knowledge They have already achieved subject-centric organization of their content Without this, Seamless Knowledge is beyond reach From a technical perspective, only two additional pieces are required to complete the puzzle: #1 An identity mechanism To make it possible to know when their subjects are the same Published subjects solve this problem A flexible and robust mechanism for using URIs as global identifiers See #2 An exchange protocol To enable information to be requested and exchanged automatically Ontopia has developed Topic Maps Remote Access Protocol

39 Topic Maps Remote Access Protocol (TMRAP)
Hi! Do you know the subject “genetically modified food”?* * The actual question was: Is the subject known in your system? Portal A: Sure! My Topic Page is at Portal B: Matportalen This scenario (called VISIT) is supported by TMRAP

40 The Omnigator Rap demo (Part 1: VISIT)
Two Omnigators are running on this machine Different browsers (Opera and Internet Explorer) Different skins (Ontopia National Colours and Vive Québec) Different names pepper poivre Different TMs (Italian Opera and Various Geographical TMs)

41 VISIT: Some considerations
The functionality is deceptively simple, yet potential very powerful From the user’s point of view the VISIT links might have been hand-coded (there is no visible difference) The cool thing is that they are generated entirely automatically This is dynamic content aggregation in practice!! NO MAINTENANCE of cross-site links is required Solves the publisher’s cross-site link management problem with technology And we can go a step further with relatively little effort Rich data based on Topic Maps can be merged … … so we can exchange not only links, but also whole chunks of rich data We call those chunks topic maplets This is how it works…

42 TMRAP “GET” scenario using topic maplets
Hi! What do you know about “genetically modified food”?* * The actual question was: What information do have about in your system? Portal A: Oh, this and that. Here you are. Be my guest! Portal B: Matportalen This scenario (called GET) provides another level of content aggregation

43 GET: Some considerations
The functionality is even more powerful… The “seamlessness” factor is much greater (In fact we have “dumbed it down” in this demo in order to show what is actually going on: The GET functionality could be activated automatically) Application areas are slightly different: Useful when seamlessness is more important and branding issues less important E.g., within a corporate or government environment

44 “Now! …. That should clear up a few things around here!”
Conclusion “Now! …. That should clear up a few things around here!” Subject-based classification provides a solution to the findability problem Topic Maps are the international standard of choice for doing this Topic Maps can represent taxonomies thesauri indexes metadata ontologies …all in a single, intuitive model Any questions?

45 What now? Read The TAO of Topic Maps* Download the Omnigator*
Learn LTM* and create your own first topic map Consider doing a thesis on a Topic Maps-related subject Attend Ontopia’s training class* June 6th: Full day introduction to Topic Maps June 7th: Ontology design for Topic Mappers (other days cost money) Make sure you register! All details at

46 Similarities Differences Interoperability
RDF and Topic Maps Similarities Differences Interoperability

47 “Two households, both alike in dignity…”
During the late 1990s the W3C and ISO developed two semantic technologies in parallel Two communities, largely unaware of each other Tackling the same fundamental problems Findability Semantic interoperability The results were RDF and Topic Maps

48 How the two families stack up

49 Similarities that cry out for unification
Striking similarities Both “extend” XML into the realm of semantics Both allow assertions to be made about subjects in the outside world Both define abstract, associative (graph-based) models Both are intensely concerned with “identity” Both allow some measure of inferencing or reasoning Both have XML-based interchange syntaxes Both have constraint languages and query languages This lead to calls for unification “Free-for-all” between the two Erics at Extreme Markup 2000 Michael Sperberg-McQueen suggested locking the RDF people and the Topic Maps people in a room together until they had harmonized the two…

50 But there are important differences too…
Different roots Topic Maps has its roots in traditional finding aids (indexes, thesauri, etc.) RDF has its roots in document metadata and formal logic Different levels of semantics… RDF is more low level; Topic Maps has more higher-level semantics Different models Identity, scope, association roles, n-ary relationships, variant names, … Different goals RDF: An artificially intelligent web for software agents Topic Maps: Findability and knowledge integration for humans So unification never happened But the perception of rivalry is a cause for confusion

51 It’s time to move beyond bigotry
Let’s look for the synergies instead! Both families have user communities Neither standard will go away anytime soon Common interest in the success of semantic technologies Semantics are hard enough to explain to the market as it is A standards war will indeed lead to a Plague o’ Both Our Houses… RDF and Topic Maps are different Different strengths, different weaknesses Let’s recognize this And let’s go for interoperability That’s the goal of RDFTM…

52 RDFTM RDF/Topic Maps Interoperability Task Force
A task force within the Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group Chartered to deliver two documents: Survey of Existing Interoperability Proposals (WG Note) Guidlines for RDF/Topic Maps Interoperability (WG Note or Recommendation) First draft of Survey recently delivered to WG First draft of Guidelines for Extreme Markup 2005

53 RDF or Topic Maps? Some rules of thumb
The basic premise: RDF is more low-level; oriented towards machines Topic Maps is more high-level; oriented towards humans OWL is a step beyond; oriented towards artificial intelligence Do you simply want to encode document metadata? RDF is an ideal model for assigning properties to documents (e.g. Dublin Core, PRISM) – you probably won’t need OWL Do you want to achieve subject-based classification of content? Topic Maps provides the best combination of flexibility and user-friendliness Do you want both metadata and subject-based classification? Go straight for Topic Maps – or, if you already use RDF for metadata, “view” it as a topic map in conjunction with a TM-based taxonomy or subject classification Do you want to enable applications based on software agents? Use RDF/OWL on a foundation of Topic Maps-based knowledge organization

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