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Let’s have a listen first…

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2 Let’s have a listen first…
Listen here:

3 Abide With Me… So what do we mean by ‘abide’? Let’s have a look at how it’s defined: As defined in the Oxford Dictionaries: abide (ᵊ’ᵇᵃᴵᵈ)vb abides, abiding, abode or abided. 3 a: continue without fading or being lost… (of a feeling or a memory) 3 b: Live; dwell. (archaic)

4 Merriam-Webster Dictionary
abide (ᵊ’ᵇᵃᴵᵈ) Transitive verb 1 a : to bear patiently b : to endure without yielding 2 : to wait for: await ‘I will abide the coming of my lord.’ — Alfred Tennyson 3 : to accept without objection

5 With these definitions in mind, let’s have a look at the lyrics written by Matt Maher.
Which - if any - of the definitions we have just encountered, do you think fits best? Have a look at the following images; they may help you to decide – is he saying…

6 ?

7 ?

8 ?

9 ?

10 Perhaps Matt’s choice of image for the single release cover can give us a clue?

11 Watch it here:
Matt Maher tells the story of Abide With Me in this short clip Watch it here:

12 Abide With Me… So let’s consider what Matt has mentioned here:
Loss/bereavement Appealing to God for help/faith in God What else? Next time, when we sing this song, perhaps like Matt we might ask God to be with us on the journey…

13 Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide
The original hymn by Henry F. Lyte (as mentioned in Matt’s interview) can offer us a means of concluding prayer: Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide*, The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide! When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me! Amen. *eventide – end of the day, evening time

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