Professor Ruth Farwell Vice-Chancellor Buckinghamshire New University

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1 Professor Ruth Farwell Vice-Chancellor Buckinghamshire New University
Case study: Future Proofing the Organisation - Buckinghamshire New University Professor Ruth Farwell Vice-Chancellor Buckinghamshire New University

2 The Bucks chronology 2006: Inherited positive relationship with SU
2007: ‘Putting students first’ – our mission 2007: ‘Big Deal’ developed as a revised bursary package for 2008 entry 2008: Management development programme with student input 2009: SU launches Education Campaign 2009 onwards: Strategy based on S&4Ps

3 The current national context
Changes to funding alters relationship between universities and students Students not merely consumers White Paper: creation of learning communities; feedback encouraged and used Charters: ‘most enriching when based on a partnership between students and staff’ Feedback on teachers; managing performance

4 Student governors making a difference
Promoting good governance (in broadest sense) Why? Primary: shared interest in developing and improving the student experience Secondary: enhancing individual’s experience How best to do this? Partnership between the University and the students (as embodied in the SU)

5 NUS: Good Governance Code of Practice for the Students’ Union Sector
‘Strong relations between higher education institutions and students’ unions act as real catalyst to drive improvement for students across many areas. Where positive co-existence occurs, anything is possible’ Aaron Porter and Steve Smith

6 Relationship Agreement: 8 principles
Strategic Partnership Student Centred Respect and Understanding Openness and Trust Mutual Support and Commitment Independence Accountability Diversity and Equality

7 Principle 1: Strategic Partnership
SU strategy presented to VC’s senior team Induction: externally facilitated half day Semi-informal meetings SU and VC’s senior teams plus Governing Body and SU Trust reps SU officers attend University strategy sessions with Governing Body Presentations on student experience from SU officers to Governing Body Pitch to Governing Body from SU on Big Deal

8 Principle 2: Student Centred
Jointly owned action plan to bring about enhancements in the student experience Role of SU in monitoring what is happening Monthly meetings with VC’s senior team Attempts at triangulation Revised approach from this September Student Experience Committees, at University level chaired by VC Joint welcome at Open Days

9 Principles 3,4,5,6: Respect and Understanding, Openness and Trust, Mutual Support and Commitment, Independence Recognise that agreement not always possible Open door policy; picking up the phone Regular scheduled meetings Learning Partnership Agreement promotes excellent relationships, but.... Appointed a champion at senior level: Director of Student Experience Partnership does not imply being VC’s ‘poodle’

10 My belief University’s role and in particular that of its leaders (VC and Chair) is to facilitate the input of students in the governance process literally formal procedures decision making strategy formation and its implementation and by setting the right tone

11 Tensions to balance: how do we manage this?
Ownership Independent ‘watchdog’ Representative views Views of those most active or vociferous Sabbatical officers SU employees VC and senior team Middle managers Learning communities Compliance with charters

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