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The Grasshopper: an insect

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1 The Grasshopper: an insect
Being an insect means it has 6 legs. It is also called an ARTHROPOD, which literally means, jointed feet

2 Nutrition A 1 way digestive tract
Specialized mouthparts for cutting and tearing food Both the salivary glands and gastric caeca secrete hydrolytic enzymes. What is their purpose? - to chemically digest (hydrolyize) the food

3 The Grasshopper’s Digestive Tract
Stomach Gizzard Intestines Crop Anus Esophagus Gastric Caece Salivary Glands Rectum Mandible Pharynx

4 Transport The grasshopper has:
An internal OPEN CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: No network of vessels A Tubular heart which pumps blood into the AORTA: A large aorta blood vessel which squirts blood into the… SINUSES: large cavities where blood bathes cells. Blood re-enters the Aorta through a series of valves.

5 Circulatory System The blood of a grasshopper does NOT contain hemoglobin! So it can’t carry oxygen. The grasshopper is basically hollow in side, with blood squirting everywhere, like a lemonade machine Tubular Heart Aorta Sinuses

6 RESPIRATION Since respiratory gases are not carried in the blood, they are carried by a system of tracheal tubes or tracheae. These open to the air through small openings called spiracles. These tubes lead to the moist membranes of the body cells Air sacs pump air through the tracheae Other than the spiracles, the grasshoppers body is dry and impermeable to liquids and gases. Is this beneficial considering their environment?

7 Respiration Air sacs Trachea Spiracles

8 Excretion Carbon dioxide diffuses from body cells into body fluids, into tracheal tubes, out through the spiracles. Water, mineral salts, URIC ACID CRYSTALS (its nitrogenous waste) accumulate in the malpighian tubules: the Excretory organs of the grasshopper These wastes pass into the intestine, where most of the water is reabsorbed Minerals, Uric acid crystals leave body with the digestive wastes.

9 More Excretion Uric acid crystals aren’t soluble in water
Malpighian tubules main function, then is to reabsorb water and excrete solid waste. Stomach Rectum Malpighian Tubules

10 REGULATION The grasshopper has:
A central nervous system with peripheral nerves branching off Highly developed sense receptors (antenna) Ganglion Brain Nerve Cord

11 LOCOMOTION Moves with the interaction of muscles with the EXOSKELETON (skeleton on the outside) Exoskeleton made of CHITIN, a polysaccharide. It is jointed to permit movement It has 3 pairs of legs, 2 pairs of wings Jumpin Legs Outer Wings Walking legs

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