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Fill Your Minds with God’s Word

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Presentation on theme: "Fill Your Minds with God’s Word"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fill Your Minds with God’s Word
Phil 4:8-9 Fill Your Minds with God’s Word

2 Phil 4:8-9 - Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you

3 Christianity Moralism/Meritocracy
Jesus saves us (grace) We obey Him Jesus blesses us with His Presence We obey God God pays us with salvation (merit) We obey Him God pays us with His blessing

4 Big Idea: As we fill our minds and our lives with God’s Word, God will fill us with His presence.

5 Fill your Mind with the Word
Phil 4:8-9 - Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.

6 Fill your Mind with the Word
Phil 4:8-9 = Fill your mind with God’s Word 4 Reasons: Grammar & Context Similarities to rest of the Bible God’s Word teaches us Truth God’s pre-eminence

7 How to fill your mind with the Word:
Meditate on God’s Word Memorize God’s Word Listen to God’s Word (through others) Observe God’s Word lived out (through others)

8 How to fill your mind with the Word:
Meditate on God’s Word Memorize God’s Word Listen to God’s Word (through others) Observe God’s Word lived out (through others)

9 How to fill your mind with the Word:
Meditate on God’s Word Memorize God’s Word Listen to God’s Word (through others) Observe God’s Word lived out (through others)

10 How to fill your mind with the Word:
Meditate on God’s Word Memorize God’s Word Listen to God’s Word (through others) Observe God’s Word lived out (through others)

11 How to fill your mind with the Word:
Meditate on God’s Word Memorize God’s Word Listen to God’s Word (through others) Observe God’s Word lived out (through others)

12 Fill your Life with the Word
Phil 4:9a - Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice.

13 Fill your Life with the Word
John 15: If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. 11 These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.

14 God will fill your life Phil 4:9b - the God of peace will be with you

15 God will fill your life Fill your mind with God’s Word
Fill your lives with God’s Word God will fill your life

16 God will fill your life Phil 4:9b - the God of peace will be with you
The prize of Christian obedience is that we will be filled with true & lasting: love wisdom purpose hope

17 Big Idea: As we fill our minds and our lives with God’s Word, God will fill us with His presence.

18 Applying God’s Word Big Idea: As we fill our minds and our lives with God’s Word, God will fill us with His presence. Diagnostic Tool for Spiritual Health Prescription for Spiritual Health

19 Applying God’s Word Big Idea: As we fill our minds and our lives with God’s Word, God will fill us with His presence. Diagnostic Tool for Spiritual Health Prescription for Spiritual Health

20 Applying God’s Word Big Idea: As we fill our minds and our lives with God’s Word, God will fill us with His presence. Diagnostic Tool for Spiritual Health Prescription for Spiritual Health

21 Big Idea: As we fill our minds and our lives with God’s Word, God will fill us with His presence.

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