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How to use IBM 10.2.2 Cognos Mashup Service (CMS) Samples in IBM Cognos Analytics 11 January 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "How to use IBM 10.2.2 Cognos Mashup Service (CMS) Samples in IBM Cognos Analytics 11 January 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to use IBM 10.2.2 Cognos Mashup Service (CMS) Samples in IBM Cognos Analytics 11
January 2017

2 1. Install Cognos Analytics 11.0.5+ 2. Install the samples
Beginning with the Cognos Analytics release, other components (e.g. Samples) are not installed on top of the Cognos Analytics server install:

3 3. Copy the deployment file
After you have installed the Samples, copy the deployment file from the Samples install location ../samples/webcontent/samples/content/IBMCognos10 to ../analytics/deployment

4 4. Import the deployment file
Import the samples legacy deployment Change the folder name in Team Content from Samples_LG to Samples:

5 5. Create data source connections
Create two Great Outdoors data source connections (you must enable Classic Query mode): great_outdoors_sales great_outdoors_warehouse

6 6. Copy the CMS JavaScript samples
Download the CMS JavaScript samples from the IBM Cognos Analytics Community: mashup-service-cms-samples-in-ibm-cognos-analytics-11/ Extract the files and copy the CMS folder to the install location: ../analytics/webcontent/bi/samples/

7 Update default Server URL in JavaScript sample to Gateway URL:
server>:9300/bi/v1/disp Run JavaScript Samples using following link: server>:9300/bi/samples/cms/JavaScriptSamples.html

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