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Presentation on theme: "Archetypes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archetypes

2 Archetype Universal Patterns that exist in many stories or mythologies regardless of culture or time period An image A theme A symbol A character type A plot pattern Jung believed in a “collective unconscious” that all people share, where common images, symbols or “archetypes” appear in our literature, rituals and dreams. We can apply universal definition of archetype and apply it to many stories

3 Rite of Passage

4 Star Crossed Lovers

5 Hero Character that possesses great ability but must slay his/her former self in order to give to something greater than his/her self

6 The Noble savage An outsider that has not been “corrupted” by society in order to teach hero important values.

7 The Temptress Unethical woman of immense provocative charm and wit, who utilizes men and leads them into treacherous situations.

8 Supernatural Aid/Mentors
For those hero’s embarking upon their journey, they encounter a protective figure that gives them tools that will be necessary to completing their journey.

9 The dark forest/The Dark tunnel
Representative of the journey through the unknown, the hero must pass through to become initiated.

10 The Flood The flood is often a test for mankind and it represents a great cleansing or rebirth for man. Often a heroic figure is responsible for ensuring the rebirth or symbolizes a change in the nature of mankind.

11 River/the Sea Sea—spiritual mystery and infinity; timelessness and eternity River—death / rebirth (baptism), flowing of time into eternity, transitional phases of the life cycle

12 Serpent (serpent, worm)—evil, corruption, sensuality, destruction, wisdom, temptation

13 The Dove peace, love, life

14 The Raven Death, hate, corruption

15 Garden any blissful and perfectly innocent place or state of being. This is typically only temporary as the human experience cannot always be blissful.

16 Numbers Three (3)—represents unity, spiritual awareness, and light
Four (4)—cycle of life, (earth, water, fire, air) nature Seven (7)—unity between 3 and 4, completion and perfect order

17 The quest for immortality
Hero seeks everlasting life but, along the way, learns other more important lessons.

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