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Ancient Practice or A New Paradigm for Heathy Living?

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Practice or A New Paradigm for Heathy Living?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Practice or A New Paradigm for Heathy Living?
Yoga Ancient Practice or A New Paradigm for Heathy Living?

2 Yogic Paths Bhakti Yoga – yoga of devotion
Jnana – yoga of wisdom/knowledge Karma – yoga of selfless action (karma means “action”) Mantra – yoga of sound Raja – “royal” yoga; classical yogic path often associated with Ashtanga Hatha – forceful yoga, physical practice – focus on postures and breath

3 Yogic World Views Classical Yoga Advaita Vedanta Tantra
Associated closely with Yoga Sutras Dualistic; Spirit is absolute, unchanging, and superior to matter Strong emphasis on controlling mind and body through discipline Advaita Vedanta Only spirit is real; matter is an illusion Nondual Tantra Acceptance of all reality (spiritual and material)

4 Modern Yoga Most of the yoga practiced in the west can trace its lineage back to the teachings of T. Krishnamacharya (1888 –1989) Krishnamacharya was the teacher of three men who went on to create three distinct styles of yoga now well-known in the West Pattabhi Jois – Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (power yoga) B.K.S. Iyengar - Iyengar Yoga T.K.V. Desikachar – (viniyoga, yoga therapy)

5 Viniyoga or Yoga Cikitsa (therapy)
Founded on the recognition that our physical condition, emotional states, attitudes, dietary and behavioral patterns, lifestyle and personal associations, and the environment in which we live and work are all intimately linked to each other and to the state of our health. We may heal the body through some medical or alternative healing modality, but unless there is transformation at the level of our deep patterns, we may end up re-creating the same or similar conditions again. Yoga cikitsa is the art of tapping the resources deep within us to heal ourselves. -- Gary Kraftsow, founder of American Viniyoga Institute

6 Yoga Therapy - What is it?
The selective use of various yoga tools (such as breathing techniques, postures, relaxation, meditation techniques as well as dietary and lifestyle advice) to help people with virtually any health condition, physical or psychological. -- Dr. Timothy McCall

7 Growth of Yoga Therapy Yoga therapy is gaining ground as a more accepted approach to treating various conditions, largely due to the increased amount of research and studies on the practice. However, there is still limited evidence for its effectiveness in the physical impact. The benefits of meditation and mindfulness are more well-researched. It is important to note that yoga therapy is not a “one size fits all” approach. The individualized nature of the therapy can also make research of its effectiveness difficult to measure.

8 Medical Model Vs. Yoga Therapy
Dominant in our society Gaining acceptance Determine a diagnosis, then determine treatment Medical diagnosis can provide contraindications for a therapeutic application of yoga Reductionism used to find the single cause or the few factors to be targeted for treatment (i.e. heart disease diagnosis targeted with addressing cholesterol levels) Tailoring approach to the entire context of the diagnosis; Holism

9 Reductionist v. Holistic Approach
According to Dr. McCall, Reductionist approaches (such as drug therapy) tend to cause potentially dangerous side effects and lose effectiveness over time. Holistic approaches, like yoga therapy, cause generally beneficial side effects and tend to gain effectiveness over time. Yoga therapy works more slowly, but safely. Holistically seen, everything is viewed as interconnected and there are multiple causes and therefore multiple ways to intervene. A medical diagnosis can be considered a part of the holistic evaluation, but the holistic model may treat the problem more indirectly. Holistic approaches place greater emphasis on prevention compared to reductionist models

10 Yoga as complementary therapy
Yoga therapy can complement drug or surgeries used to treat diagnosis, and may actually help them work better or lessen the side effects. A holistic approach will almost always improve the overall situation, whether or not the specific condition you are targeting is helped.

11 Certification Options
Yoga Alliance is the largest international nonprofit association in the yoga community. Yoga Alliance developed a voluntary registry to recognize yoga teachers and schools whose training met their designed standards. Yoga Alliance does not certify teachers or accredit schools. Yoga Alliance’s credentialing system relies on its registry. Current designations for teachers: RYT-200, RYT-500, E-RYT 200, E-RYT-200 RYT 500, E-RYT 500, RCYT, RPYT The International Yoga Registry is an initiative created to provide International Registration for Yoga Teachers and Yoga Teacher Training Schools which reach the standards based on fundamental Yoga Science.

12 Yoga Therapy Certification
IATY Accredited yoga therapy programs

13 Application Individual Assessment Yoga Class Application Pranayama Relaxation – Constructive Rest

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