Software project management

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1 Software project management
Organizational Structures

2 Software Projects Management
Course Objectives Understand organizational structures Describe the organization structure’s influence on management Understand the organizational culture aspects Slides adapted from K. Schwalbe Software Projects Management

3 Understanding Organizations
Structural frame: Focuses on roles and responsibilities, coordination and control. Organization charts help define this frame. Ex. Functional, Projectized, Matrix Human resources frame: Focuses on providing harmony between needs of the organization and needs of people. Ex. how people are recruited, used and rewarded; how to find/allocate the appropriate people for projects, etc. Political frame: Assumes organizations are coalitions composed of varied individuals and interest groups. Conflict and power are key issues. Ex. Opposants, shifting of power towards project managers, obtaining scarce resources Symbolic frame: Focuses on symbols and meanings related to events. Culture is important. Ex. How the people dress, CEO involvement in day to day operations, how many hours to work, international team mixture of cultures Software Projects Management

4 Organizational Structures
Functional Statically structured based on specialization: Engineering, Marketing, Design, IT, etc P&L from production Project Dynamically structured based on project assignments: Project A, Project B Income from projects PM has P&L responsibility Matrix Functional and Project based Strong, Weak, Balanced Software Projects Management

5 Functional Organization
Software Projects Management

6 Functional organizations
Clear definition of authority inside functional areas Eliminates duplication Encourages specialization Clear career paths Can lack customer orientation Create longer decisions cycles Conflicts across functional areas Project leaders have little power (political frame is important) Ex. University, Govern Software Projects Management

7 Software Projects Management
Project Organization Software Projects Management

8 Project organizations
Unity of command Efficient project management (quality, time, costs, scope) Effective inter-project communication Duplication of facilities No well defined career path Ex. Consulting companies, architectural companies, small to medium size IT companies Software Projects Management

9 Software Projects Management
Matrix Forms Weak, Strong, Balanced Degree of relative power Weak: functional-centric Strong: project-centric Software Projects Management

10 Software Projects Management
Weak matrix Software Projects Management

11 Software Projects Management
Balanced matrix Software Projects Management

12 Software Projects Management
Strong matrix Software Projects Management

13 Software Projects Management
Composite Software Projects Management

14 Software Projects Management
Matrix organizations Project integration across functional lines Efficient use of resources Retains functional teams Two bosses for personnel Complexity Resource & priority conflicts Software Projects Management

15 Functional, Project, and Matrix Organizational Structures
Software Projects Management

16 Structure Influence on Projects
Software Projects Management

17 Project Life Cycle and Organization Structure
Life cycle and agility Life cycle and PM authority Plan conflicts between functional departments related to resource allocation Project size impact on organization: projectized moving to functional Software Projects Management

18 Organizational Culture
Organizational culture is a set of shared assumptions, values, and behaviors that characterize the functioning of an organization Many experts believe the underlying causes of many companies’ problems are not the structure or staff, but the culture Software Projects Management

19 Ten Characteristics of Organizational Culture
Member identity (loyalty)* Group emphasis(teamwork)* People focus (individual needs) Unit integration(coordination)* Control (overseeing) Risk tolerance(aggressivity, innovation)* Reward criteria(correctness)* Conflict tolerance(communication)* Means-ends orientation(focus) Open-systems focus(adaptability)* *Project work is most successful in an organizational culture where these items are strong/high and other items are balanced Software Projects Management

20 Stakeholders Management
Internal stakeholders and external stakeholders Project managers must take time to identify, understand, and manage relationships with all project stakeholders Using the four frames of organizations can help meet stakeholder needs and expectations: also evaluate external stakeholders’ organizations) Senior executives/top management are very important stakeholders Software Projects Management

21 Top Management Commitment
Availability of resources: money, people, visibility Approval for additional, unexpected needs: bonuses, people, hardware, software, etc. Help with political issues while needing resources from other functional areas Help with daily management operations Encourage the use of IT technologies Support the implementation of processes and standards Software Projects Management

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