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Brandon Dylan Mitch Taylen

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1 Brandon Dylan Mitch Taylen
The [Master] Debaters Brandon Dylan Mitch Taylen

2 Research Question If we cross breed a tall plant and short what will grow, a tall or a short plant? Is stem color a factor in short or tall plants?

3 Hypothesis We think that if we cross pollinate a short plant with a tall plant it will produce a tall plant. We think that a taller height is a dominant trait. When we Pollinate we are going to pollinate a purple stemmed plant with a green stemmed plant. We believe it will produce a purple stemmed plant

4 Growing Day’s We planted our Brassica plants on Feb. 25th We watered every day, they each grew about 3cm each day.

5 Type of Plants We grew Rapid Growing Brassica. We grew two types: one was Mutant and the other was class. We used bee sticks to pollinate our plants. We took apart bees and glued them to toothpicks to make our bee sticks.

6 Pictures

7 Pictures (continued)

8 Experimental Method/Design
The way we set up this experiment was simple and easy. We planted 3-5 seeds in each pot, then we put them in little containers with a water reservoir underneath that. Then we watered them every weekday and fertilized every Friday.

9 Embryogenesis success rate
Our plants embryogenesis success rate (seeds) was fairly good except for Brandon’s plants. Taylen’s produced 137 for the class data and 55 for the mutant data, Dylan’s produced 77 seeds for the class data and 61 for mutant data, Mitch’s produced 99 class data and 20 mutant, Brandon’s produced 8 class and 22 mutant.

10 Experimental Method to Test Offspring
The way we tested our offspring was with petri dishes. What we did was put two damp paper towels in round dishes, aligned 16 seeds in a square like pattern, and put water in a little dish, then we put the petri dishes in the dishes with the water at an angle and let them sit for 2 days and then they started to germinate.

11 Seeds Produced

12 Conclusion When Brandon and Dylan pollinated the class plants they produced tall green stemmed plants. The mutant plants produced tall and small green and purple stemmed plants. Taylen and Mitch pollinated their class plants and produced tall green stemmed plants. The mutant plants produced about ½ green and ½ purple plants.

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