TC activities.

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Presentation on theme: "TC activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 TC activities

2 Outline Overview of TCn organization and activities
More detailed look at Upgrade Updated organization Overview of activities

3 Few words about me… New to TC My recent history
: ATLAS Run Coordinator mid : LHC Program Coordinator Only part time involvement in ATLAS in the TDAQ upgrade (FELIX project) Joined TC in January 2016 … still learning!

4 TCn organization Technical Coordinator Ludo Deputy Planning
Engineering Procurement Michel Deputy OPM and Run Coordination Upgrades Machine interface Benedetto LEXGLIMOS Safety Sigi/Laetitia Constant interactions with Upgrade management Section Leader/ PO Raphael Systems

5 Draft of TCn WBS Operation Run Coordination DCS General Operation
Technical Coordination WBS 1.1 Operation 1.1.1 Run Coordination 1.1.2 DCS 1.1.3 General Operation 1.1.4 Electrical Power 1.1.5 General CV 1.1.6 Detector CV 1.2 Maintenance 1.2.1 Opening and closing 1.2.2 Infrastructure Maintenance 1.2.3 Day to day support 1.3 Safety 1.3.1 SLIMOS organization 1.3.2 Safety Documentation 1.3.3 Safety systems 1.3.4 Day to day safety 1.5 Phase 1 Upgrade 1.5.x Level 3 to be defined 1.6 Phase 2 Upgrade 1.6.x 1.7 Financial 1.7.1 Planning for material needs 1.7.2 Planning for manpower needs 1.8 TC Management 1.8.1 Strategic planning 1.8.2 Tactical planning

6 TCn responsibilities Maintenance Operation Safety
Financial and TCn management Upgrade

7 TCn responsibilities Maintenance Operation Safety
Financial and TCn management Upgrade In the rest of this talk I will focus more on Upgrade The other responsibilities are largely covered by the following talks Covered in following talks

8 Long term LHC schedule

9 New organization for Upgrade
TC Upgrade Management Management of current activities USC Design Office Safety …. Project Office Draft for discussion Detailed organization to be presented by ATLAS Week

10 TCn upgrade activities (1)
Design office support to upgrade projects Phase 1 New Small Wheel: nJD; movement, transport and lifting systems; envelope definition BMG: Layout and envelope; support; tooling and installation BIS7/8: Layout and envelope; support; tooling and installation Support for AFP Phase 2 ITK: Installation procedure and tooling BI: Installation procedure and toolings SFCAL: Feasibility study and risk analysis; engineering Covered by Raphael in details later

11 TCn upgrade activities (2)
Experimental layout configuration and integration (beyond design office activities) General envelope definition Including CAD DB management CAD integration Cabling and pipes (Sergey+new staff funded by PH) De-commissioning (need manpower!) Joint Working Groups with detector experts will need to be setup and managed by the Upgrade PO Reviews Follow-up work of Review Office jointly with USC Participate ex-officio to all reviews

12 TCn upgrade activities (3)
Detector systems interfaces and facilities Overview of detector FE-TDAQ interface (Benedetto) Follow-up discussions on definition of global trigger strategy and related readout architecture Detector DCS interface (Stefan) Integration of new detectors DSS (Sergey and Carlos) Alarm matrix definition Common ethernet network infrastructure New Control Network (missing manpower!) Services: cooling (including detector cooling), gas systems, power Sharing responsibility with projects TC responsibility on general management Claudio PL of baby demo plant

13 TCn upgrade activities (4)
Electronics coordination Modular electronics standards Allocation of rack and resources in USA15 (OPM?) Specific studies about ATCA racks (Claudio) Performance studies for vertical vs horizontal cooling Establish max cooling power per rack Noise issue (related to USA15 safety considerations) Computing power needs for Trigger and DAQ (Benedetto, Ludo) TC responsible for supporting possible requests for increased computing power New building / space allocation and services for container solutions Upgrades in power and cooling capabilities in existing facilities (e.g. SDX1) Central DCS/DSS (Stefan, Sergey, Carlos)

14 TCn upgrade activities (6)
Machine interactions (Benedetto) Representation in HL-LHC Coordination H/W interface between machine and ATLAS (WP8, Michel) New TAXS, beam pipe… Simulation of machine failure scenarios Asynchronous beam bump Definition of beam conditions for physics Luminous region, pileup... Jointly with UC Implications for detector definition: ITK layout, timing detector... Machining slots in JFC1, JFC3, octagonal shielding Modification of JTT, JFC2 Services routing New support for VAX + VAX VJ and VT supports

15 TCn upgrade activities (5)
Radiation studies New Radiation Simulation WG created under TC coordination Mandate for: Detector radiation background studies ALARA/Activation studies Mostly manned by TC people: Giuseppe, Lior, Natasha General project management Deputy chair of USC (Benedetto) Definition of PM tools Maintenance and monitoring of the global Upgrade project plan Maintaining synchronicity with independent project plans for detectors Ideally same tool used with automatic include mechanism Derivation of global critical path Monitoring of global conflicts of schedule or resources Staff position is being opened for project manager

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