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Please Write This Down... Conferences!

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Presentation on theme: "Please Write This Down... Conferences!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please Write This Down... Conferences!
UCLA: November 9-10, 2014; approx. $100 Chicago MUN: First week of February 2015; $1,500 Please get materials ASAP! (Notebook, binder, check the website) Dues are due on April 10th, next meeting! $10 for the whole next year! CHSMUN.WORDPRESS.COM Talk to your parents, we will get more specifics later; We can provide scholarships BASED ON NEED. SO BUY CANDY TO HELP THAT CAUSE.

2 … Ask Chudi about following our instagram ;) @decorum_in_this_bitch
@diegolainezftw THANKS CHUDI

3 Continued... Make sure to go to Austin during THIS meeting to finalize your partners/if you are working alone If you do not know, let us know BEFORE NEXT WEDNESDAY! Also, contact Austin if there are any questions regarding partners & upcoming conferences or or find him

Grover Cleveland Charter High School Model United Nations Conference When: May 17th 2014 from 10 am-3:30pm Where: J4….where you are sitting right now that country assignment​s will be given during next meeting and that our upcoming workshops will help gear them towards this mock. and say we're the head chairs

5 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
Addressing the Situation of Child Soldiers Check the website to see your COUNTRY ASSIGNMENTS, DUE DATES, RUBRICS, and OTHER NECESSARY INFO. Begin working over SPRING BREAK, as they are one page, single-spaced position papers ! CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR UPCOMING DEADLINES.

6 Writing a Position Paper/Formality
Conference Workshop #2 Writing a Position Paper/Formality

7 Writing a Position Paper
Position papers give you the chance to state your position and support based on your nation’s history and past action. The paper will tell your chair you know what you’re talking about and that you are well-versed in the history of your country and topic. Papers are written in a very formal style, and vary in page length. We have seen both ¾ page position papers and 10 page position papers, so be aware of what may come up.

8 Structure and Format Although the structure and formatting of position papers varies on a conference to conference basis, there is a general structure that is often followed.

9 Structure and Format (cont.)
I. Topic Background II. International Involvement III. Country Position IV. Proposed Solutions

10 Topic Background This section should shed light onto your topic, no matter how short or long. In order to allow readers to understand subsequent sections, you need to address the issue at hand here. Someone with no prior knowledge on your topic should be able to understand what is being discussed.

11 International Involvement
In this section, you will discuss how your UN committee and NGOs have contributed to or worsened the severity of your topic. Be sure to name organizations entirely before establishing acronyms Addressing actions taken only by your UN committee will not be enough to prove you have an understanding of the international community's role in your situation.

12 Country Position This is the first section in the paper that DISCUSSES your country’s views, beliefs, and policies. It should be a bulk of the paper, along with the proposed solutions. Here you will: Explain how the topic has affected your nation and any past action(s) your country has taken concerning the topic Explain shifts in your nation’s policies and current stance Then transition into your country’s course of actions (Proposed Solutions Section)

13 Proposed Solutions Proposed solutions are the most significant part of the position paper, as they address the goal of the entire MUN conference. Review your country’s position and look at what your country can offer in terms of solving the issue. Remember to compromise, such that a communal resolution can be developed. Think of innovative new solutions, not just the bland solutions such as increased education, although those are always important!

14 Formality Avoid contractions
“Don’t” and “can’t” should be replaced with “do not” and “cannot” Avoid colloquialisms and over-generalizations Don’t use words such as “like, every, things, or bad” Use emotive language sparingly or not at all. Do not write in the first person and do not use “you” EVER. Utilize various sentence structures to make your paper more interesting. Always cite your sources, especially when using any statistics. Check and re-check spelling and grammar!!!!!

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