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Introduction to FTK More technical description: March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
What is the problem? In hadron colliders, the “easy” triggers are e, , , & generic jets. Is that good enough at the LHC? Opening a new energy frontier. SM new physics, but what it is we don’t know don’t ignore 3rd generation partons (b, ) ex: EWK symmetry breaking couples mass 3rd generation important ex: March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
Why is it hard to trigger on the 3rd generation?
b : jet Generic jets have production cross : narrow jet sections orders of magnitude larger. To identify b-jets and -jets, need tracks. b-jet: secondary vertex -jet: ≤ 3 tracks in narrow cone; no tracks around it 40 MHz interaction rate & 1 KHz level-2 accept rate selection of b-jets and -jets must be done quickly! deadtime = L1 rate L2 reject time As high as possible to lower PT threshold. make as short as possible March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
Existing ATLAS (& CMS) Trigger
Track pattern recognition & fitting done in Intel PC’s. 20-50 msec because of overhead of getting all of the raw silicon hits into the processor and sorted for track finding. TOO LONG! March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
FTK (Fast TracKer) Based on the CDF SVT Finds and reconstructs with near offline d0 precision all tracks of PT > 1.5 GeV/c in ~20 sec. sample for Bs mixing Z → bb March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
(prototype: SVT upgrade)
How does it work? Complete pattern recognition on the fly as the silicon data passes by using pre-stored bank of possible hit patterns. CDF: 32K patterns/phi sector → 15M in ATLAS made possible by advances in -electronics in past decade (prototype: SVT upgrade) The Pattern Bank March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
Pattern recognition in action
March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
Track Fitting Very fast: In CDF, 200 nsec/track using FPGA. Narrow roads linearized fit works well Linear equations (a few hardware adds and multiplies) with pre-stored coefficients: curvature, d0, , 2. Track impact parameter = 48m March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
Where does it fit in ATLAS?
on L1 accept RODs SCT Pixels FTK “Level 1.5” ROBs ROBs silicon hits silicon tracks ask for ROI’s Level 2 March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
First Step: Making the Physics Case
ATLAS wants a few specific channels studied so the physics reach with and without FTK can be compared. In discussion with the ATLAS Physics Coordinators and others, we came up with a “short list”. March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
for measuring the b-jet response and resolution (-jet & Z-jet balance have theory/exp problems) for Mtop , MHiggs , … Problem: L1 trigger rate higher jet ET threshold high threshold high MJJ turn-on Solution: high PT Z’s 3-jet trigger highest ET jet is not tagged bb opening angle not fixed near 1800 lower MJJ threshold March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
Higgs Physics How much lower in tan can be reached? These jet PT’s are too low for existing triggers. How much does FTK help? March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
leptons Need lower threshold for all triggers. How low can the threshold be? (Fabiola) for the high PT response of TileCal across the detector Existing thresholds (35/45 GeV) too high for W’s (More general: isolated track triggers for calorimeter calibration – rapid level-2 rejection higher level-1 rate) (Ian) Existing trigger is for 1-prong only. Polarization information requires seeing other decay modes. March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
More (Michelangelo) B physics (if initial is very low) ex, March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
What has to be done? What drives trigger decisions is background rejection, not signal efficiency. For signal, a few thousand events probably are enough. But background studies require LOTS of events. At 10 minutes/simulated event, … Use fully simulated events to parameterize jet response (with fluctuations) jet trigger efficiency vs ET ( especially at level 1) Erik Brubaker is working on this. Use full simulation to parameterize FTK tracking: Pisa will get the FTKsim tools working with current ATLAS software then: tracking efficiency in jets, fake rate Then can do convincing physics studies with fast simulation. HOW?? (Iacopo) March 9, 2005 Introduction to FTK - M. Shochet
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