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Jeopardy Fingerprints Blood Death Anthropology DNA Q $100 Q $100

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Fingerprints Blood Death Anthropology DNA Q $100 Q $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Fingerprints Blood Death Anthropology DNA Q $100 Q $100
Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from H1 Identify the type of print:

3 $100 Answer from H1 Whorl

4 $200 Question from H1 Identify the minutaie:

5 $200 Answer from H1 Fork or bifurcation

6 $300 Question from H1 Bertillon used _______________ to
establish identity. This fell out of favor after the Will West case.

7 $300 Answer from H1 Anthropometry or body measurements

8 $400 Question from H1 A bloody fingerprint is what type of print?

9 $400 Answer from H1 Patent

10 $500 Question from H1 List three ways to develop latent fingerprints.

11 $500 Answer from H1 Powder, superglue, iodine,
Genetian violet, vacuum metal deposition, amido black

12 $100 Question from H2 What pulls/pushes the DNA fragments through a gel during electrophoresis?

13 $100 Answer from H2 Electricity repels/attracts the negative charge on the DNA

14 $200 Question from H2 Which piece moves the farthest, GACCCTAG or GATCT?

15 $200 Answer from H2 GATCT

16 $300 Question from H2 What do restriction enzymes do?

17 $300 Answer from H2 They cut the DNA into fragments.

18 $400 Question from H2 What do the radioactive probes do?

19 $400 Answer from H2 Allow the DNA fragments to show up
when the membrane is exposed to x-rays.

20 $500 Question from H2 List three different uses of DNA fingerprinting.

21 $500 Answer from H2 Identify disaster victims Identify suspects
Paternity testing Free wrongly convicted felons

22 $100 Question from H3 What are the three main types of cells in blood?

23 $100 Answer from H3 Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets

24 $200 Question from H3 What will a Kastle-Meyer test tell you about a sample? What is it’s limitation?

25 $200 Answer from H3 If a sample is blood or not.
Cannot distinguish between human and animal.

26 $300 Question from H3 A blood sample is typed by adding
antibody solution. It agglutinates with A and B, but not Rh. What is the blood type?

27 $300 Answer from H3 AB-

28 $400 Question from H3 What blood type can receive
any other blood type? Explain your answer.

29 $400 Answer from H3 Type AB+ because the blood
will not contain any antibodies to the proteins.

30 $500 Question from H3 Sketch the blood type results
you would see in lab for a blood type test for type B-.

31 $500 Answer from H3 A B X Rh

32 $100 Question from H4 How soon do blow flies arrive?

33 $100 Answer from H4 May arrive within minutes to lay eggs

34 $200 Question from H4 A woman is found in her bed, dead. No wounds are found and there are no signs of struggle. What is the most likely manner of death?

35 $200 Answer from H4 Accidental

36 $300 Question from H4 A body is found with no food in the stomach, but some food in the small intestines. How long ago did the person last eat?

37 $300 Answer from H4 At least 4-6 hours

38 $400 Question from H4 A body is found in an attic. The temperature is F. How long has the body been dead?

39 $400 Answer from H4 98.6 F – 90.0 F = 8.6F 8.6 F ÷ 1.4 F/hr = 6.1 hr

40 $500 Question from H4 Describe the stages of rigor mortis.

41 $500 Answer from H4 Rigor begins at the head between 2-6 hours after death. Rigor is complete at 12 hours. Rigor starts to go away beginning at the head and should be gone by hours.

42 $100 Question from H5 Which bone in the body gives the most information to a forensic anthropologist?

43 $100 Answer from H5 Skull

44 $200 Question from H5 What two main characteristics can you determine about a person based on the humerus?

45 $200 Answer from H5 Age (by the growth plates)
Height (by the length of the bone)

46 $300 Question from H5 State three characteristics of the pelvis that allow you to determine sex.

47 $300 Answer from H5 Position of the sacrum Shape of the pelvic opening
Width of the ramus Sub-pubic angle

48 $400 Question from H5 List three reasons why teeth make good evidence.

49 $400 Answer from H5 They last a long time under harsh conditions.
They can be used to confirm identity or to find a match. The pulp contains DNA.

50 $500 Question from H5 List three characteristics you could compare between this female and male skull.

51 $500 Answer from H5 Smoothness of skull and slope of forehead
Brow ridge Occipital protuberance (not visible) Shape of eye socket Width of ramus of the jaw Shape of jaw

52 Final Jeopardy

53 Final Jeopardy Answer

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