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Importance of Fish & Wildlife (F&W) Chapter 1

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Presentation on theme: "Importance of Fish & Wildlife (F&W) Chapter 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Importance of Fish & Wildlife (F&W) Chapter 1
Objectives: Explain the importance of F&W resources Explain F&W conservation, management, and recreation Describe how F&W species are classified Identify impacts on F&W populations Explain biodiversity as related to F&W populations

2 F&W Resources Wildlife includes all plants and animals that have not been domesticated. Domestication is process of bringing living things under human control. Uses of wildlife is either consumptive (harvested) or nonconsumptive (for viewing – not destroyed or harvested).

3 Values of F&W Commercial value (money from harvest and sales)
Game value (personal use) Aesthetic value (beauty and appeal) Scientific value (study and research) Ecological value (role of species in nature)

4 Commercial Value

5 Game Value

6 Aesthetic Value

7 Scientific Value

8 Ecological Value

9 F&W Conservation and Management
F&W conservation – wise use of F&W resources F&W management – art & science of manipulating F&W to achieve a desired goal As human population continues to grow, less space for wildlife. Important to improve habitat to compensate for space loss.

10 F&W Organisms All organisms (living things) can be classified into one of six kingdoms Archaebacteria ( ancient bacteria) Eubacteria ( modern bacteria) Protista (algae and protozoans) Fungi (molds, mildews, mushrooms) Plantae (true plants - roots, stems, and leaves) Animals

11 Other key F&W terms Habitat – physical area where an organism lives
Terrestrial – lives on land Aquatic – lives in water Semi-aquatic – lives on land and in water Fisheries – study of the fish and related species in an area of water Freshwater – little or no salt Brackish – freshwater and saltwater mixed Marine - saltwater

12 Levels of Organization
Organism – a single living thing Species – a group of like organisms Population – all the members of one species Community – all the members of all species Ecosystem – community plus the non-living components Biome – large area characterized by plants and climate Biosphere – all areas of earth inhabited by living organisms

13 Additional Key Terms Population density – number of organisms in an area Natality – birth rate Mortality – death rate Renewable natural resource – one that can produce more of itself Carrying capacity – the numbers of individuals a habitat can support Biodiversity – the variety of living things

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