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How many people work at Disney World?

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Presentation on theme: "How many people work at Disney World?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How many people work at Disney World?

2 How many moles is 49g of Ca? 49g x 1mol =1.2mol 40gCa
Molar Calculation! How many moles is 49g of Ca? 49g x 1mol =1.2mol 40gCa

3 10g Zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce zinc (II) chloride and hydrogen gas. What volume of hydrogen gas will be produced? 1 Zn + 2HCl  1ZnCl2 + 1H2 mol 0.15 X=0.15 ÷65 x22.4 g/L 10 =3.36L

4 Today Ideal Gas Law (PV=nRT) Temp/volume lab Practice worksheet
Fun w/gases

5 What is an “IDEAL” gas? It assumes:
Particles are SO small and SO far apart, that they basically occupy no volume No intermolecular attraction Constant random motion Elastic collisions Same as Kinetic Theory!!

6 What 3 things that affect gas pressure?
____________ Temperature Volume Amount of gas (moles)

7 Ideal Gas Law (Sum of All the Laws):
PV = nRT n=#moles R = atm = 8.31 kPa = 62.4 mmHg

8 Ideal Gas Law- PV = nRT P=7667 V=75 n=moles ? R= 8.31 T= 23+273
A tank has a volume of 75L. If stored at 23°C and a pressure of 7667kPa, how many moles of gas are in the tank? P=7667 V=75 n=moles ? R= 8.31 T= (7667)(75)=n(8.31)(296) n=234mol

9 Ideal Gas Law- PV= nRT What volume would be occupied by moles of gas at a pressure of 1.50 atm and 25°C? (1.5)V=(3.125)(0.0821)(298) P= V= n= R= T=

10 PV=nRT A balloon is inflated with 0.25 g of hydrogen gas (H2) to a pressure of atm. If the desired volume of the balloon is 1.5L, what must be the temp?

11 For 1 mole of gas at 0°C and 1 atm, how many liters of volume does this represent?

12 Ideal Gas Law 1.25g of nitrogen gas is at -24°C in a 45.5L container. What is the pressure? How many grams of propane (C3H8) are sealed in a 0.8L container at 22°C and 780 mmHg?

13 2 moles of O2 are initially at 1 atm, 5L, and 25°C
2 moles of O2 are initially at 1 atm, 5L, and 25°C. The gas changes its conditions to 1.5 atm, and 100°C. What is the new volume?

14 Fun with Gases! Coke can Implosion!
On your lab paper, explain what happened

15 How does this work? sfs

16 How is soda made?

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