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Chapter 12 – Dispensational Camps
© 2013 James P. Steel See printed material for permissions.
Dispensational Camps Classical Typical Revised Progressive
Christological When it comes to understanding Dispensationalism we face two problems: First, it’s fair to say that the majority of folks calling themselves Christians do not know who Dispensationalists are or what they really believe. Secondly, among those who are dispensationalists, most are confused regarding the basic expressions of Dispensationalism.
How to Deal Consistently with Dispensations
A consistent breakout respects both ages and covenantal administrations by labeling them separately. The term Period or Age should be used to define unique historical time periods (separated by the initiation of the covenants). The term Dispensation should refer only to the administrative periods during which a particular covenant is in focus. Period or Age of Conscience ▼ Period or Age of Human Government ▼ Period or Age of Promise ▼ Period or Age of Law Israel – God’s Witness ▼ Period or Age of Grace (Church – God’s Witness) ▼ Period or Age of Kingdom Israel Again ▼ P E R I O D F N C Mystery! (The Lord Jesus Christ administers this New Covenant in two phases.) Abrahamic Covenant - Principles of land ownership and blessings through Abraham and his Seed through Isaac for the blessing of many nations. This is an everlasting covenant. Genesis 12, 15, & 17: Its land aspect is amplified in the Palestinian Covenant and throne aspect in the Davidic Covenant. Mosaic Covenant – 2 Cor. 3 • Administers the Abrahamic • Tables of Stone • Temporary Purpose • Was abolished N.C. The Suffering Servant Phase – Jer. 31:31 • A Light to the Gentiles – Isa. 49:6 • Messiah ministers through His body (temple) in His physical absence. - Col. 1:24-29) T R I B N.C. The Reigning King Phase - Isa 49:7-8 • Messiah’s justice thru Israel’s throne. In response to the first problem, it helps to understand that Dispensationalists often see history as divided into time periods. The time periods themselves are not nearly as important as the covenants which undergird them. By noticing the above chart we can easily see that each time period relates to a supporting covenants. For example, the age of the Law was based on the Old Covenant and the age of the Church and the coming Kingdom are both based upon the New Covenant. This New Covenant (prophesied in Jeremiah 31) represents the ultimate fulfillment of the promises God made in the earlier Abrahamic Covenant and the Palestinian and Davidic Covenants which expand it. This, of course, represents a whole study. You may watch videos concerning each of these dispensations and their covenants at Noahic Covenant - Principles of landlord obligation, blood required, and promise extended through seed. Incumbent upon all, but many argue that authority for human government arises from this covenant. Gen. 9:1-17 Adamic Covenant - Principles of sacrifice, prophets and priests, and God’s promise to and through seed are unveiled. Its dynamics are seen in future covenants. (Inferred from Gen. 4:5, etc.). The Fall Noah Abraham Moses Christ The Millennium
Dispensational Perspectives
Dispensationalism has been going through some tests and struggles….and the New Covenant is at the core of the discussion. As a result we use some names or labels to describe varying types of Dispensationalists. These labels include: Classical Dispensationalism Typical Dispensationalism Revised Dispensationalism Progressive /Charismatic Dispensationalism Christological Dispensationalism We are not beginning a study of these movements. We simply want to show how the New Covenant relates to each group. But what about those varying expressions within Dispensationalism? It helps to see them as they relate to the the New Covenant. That is what really defines them. Keep in mind that this is a generalization – an overview. It is designed to help you get the big picture. But it’s a start, and an important one.
____|______|______ Classic Dispensationalism The Classic View
There is one New Covenant for the Church. There is a future New Covenant for Israel. ____|______|______ The Law The Church Future Israel A “Classic” problem: This results in two peoples of God. This results in one High Priest administering two New Covenants The two peoples remain eternally as separate “earthly” and “heavenly” peoples. CD’s relish in the fact that we are the “heavenly people,” and the Jews will eternally be the “earthly people” living in the new earth. Cf.: Eph. 2:8-22, Rev. 21. Note! There is not a single verse in the entire Word of God which suggests that there are two New Covenants. The New Covenant unites the peoples of God, it does not divide them. For the sake of brevity we have drawn a timeline extending from the age of the Law, through our Church Age and extending into the coming Kingdom age. We are using the image of the cup and bread to represent the New Covenant, a picture of a church to represent just that, and a crown to represent the coming Kingdom. The Classic Dispensatioalist holds that there are two New Covenants. There is one for Israel and one for the church as we know it. As noted by the slide, the problem with this view is that the Bible never, ever speaks of two New Covenants. If there are two such covenants, a number of other problems come into play. In the end, these folks often believe that there are two peoples of God (Israel and the Church) who will remain with separate futures throughout all eternity.
____|______|______ Typical Dispensationalism The Typical View
There is one New Covenant for Israel applied in two phases: 1. Church’s in-Christ position makes the N.C blessings available. 2. Israel not yet realized all the promises of the Palestinian and Davidic Covenants. ____|______|______ The Law The Church Future Israel A “Typical” Discussion: This conclusion is essentially correct! This view rejects the earlier “two peoples of God” assertions. It simply does not go far enough in defending its conclusion biblically. It does not focus on Christ’s ministry as key to the problem of continuity. For example, how does the baptism of the Spirit relate to the coming Kingdom? Its weakness is in its defense, not in its conclusions. It’s lazy defense has made it vulnerable to criticism. The Typical Dispensationalist is quick to assert that there is just one New Covenant. It just hasn’t come fully into play. Right now, the church is inheriting the spiritual or Abrahamic blessings promised in that covenant. Later, in the Kingdom, Israel will also enjoy the physical blessings and land promises associated with it. Most Dispensationalists hold this view, and it is a good one. TD’s are often quoted as saying that we are inheriting the “blessings” aspect of the Abrahamic Covenant and that the Jews will later inherit both the “blessings” and the “land” aspect of the covenant.
____|______|______ Revised Dispensationalism The Revised View
• There is one New Covenant for Israel Only; • Church not under a specified covenant, just a “New Covenant kind of ministry.” ____|______|______ The Law The Church Future Israel A View in need of “Revision” It’s dangerous to try to share one bone with two dogs. RD placates those who argue that the New Covenant was given to the Jews and therefore, it is unavailable to us. It then tries to placate the traditional Dispensationalist by keeping us under a covenant which is “kind of” like the New Covenant. 2 Cor. 4:1 RD’s allegorize a couple passages of scripture to make their system work: While RD’s are quick to say we enjoy the benefits of the cross, they insist we are not directly enjoying the benefits of the New Covenant. In General, Revised Dispensationalists, like the Typical Dispensationalist, hold that there is only one New Covenant. However, they say it is not in place yet. We are under some kind of mystery covenant, established in eternity past. We are under a New Covenant “kind of ministry.” That is why the covenant icon is darkened in the above image. It represents a mystery covenant which this instructor calls “a phantom covenant.”
The following key verses are used to suggest that the New Covenant is not yet in place. Titus 1:1-2 Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness; In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began; KJV Hebrews 13:20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, KJV Supposedly, these verses imply that not one, but two covenants were initialized simultaneously by blood at the cross: 1. Israel’s New Covenant – a covenant which would be kept in abeyance and not be effected until the Kingdom. This covenant was supposedly initialized but not effected. 2. Our Covenant: The Everlasting Covenant of Redemption - which is not even so named in your Bible! This “everlasting covenant” is a mystery covenant which is apparently administered during the dispensation of the grace of God. Many such teachers feel that Titus 1:1-2 and Hebrews 13:20 allow for such a covenant, but a closer look at the verses and their contexts reveal that there is no justification for this view.
The following key verses are used to suggest that the New Covenant is not yet in place. Titus 1:1-2 Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness; In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began; KJV Hebrews 13:20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, KJV As to Titus 1:1-2 – Any covenants made in eternity past were between members of the Godhood in the forecounsel of God, and not made with men and their seed. *As to Heb. 13:20 – This verse stresses the high priestly ministry of Christ in the clear context of the New Covenant – Hebrews 8-10 – note 10:16. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either Hebrews 13:20 is talking about the New Covenant – a theme thoroughly treated in Hebrews – or it is an incidental, mysterious add-on reference to the “Eternal Covenant.” *Advanced student: Ironically, most Hyper Dispensationalists believe Hebrews was written by Paul! Again, these arguments are quickly defeated, simply by looking at the context of the verses.
____|______|______ Revised Dispensationalism The Revised View
• There is one New Covenant for Israel Only; • Church not under a specified covenant, just a “New Covenant kind of ministry.” ____|______|______ The Law The Church Future Israel Conclusion: 1. We cannot construct a phantom covenant to solve our problems any more than the Reformed brethren can construct theirs. We are under the New Covenant! Heb. 8:1-13. 2. If we have a kind of a covenant we must have a kind of a priest, and a kind of promise which will kind of hold us over until the New Covenant is in place. 3. This position is argued in the face of multiple New Covenant statements made in both the Pauline and General epistles which apply it directly to us. 1 Cor. 11:25 We simply cannot invent a phantom covenant to satisfy our theological whims.
Progressive & Charismatic
Progressive & Charismatic Dispensationalism Progressive & Charismatic Teach One New Covenant However, if the New Covenant (which was given to Israel) is in effect, then the Kingdom must be in an “inaugurated phase” of fulfillment in the church. Christ is now reigning on David’s throne from heaven. The two phases of Messiah’s work are now blended. (Isa. 49:5,6). This is the “Already, but not yet” view. Later, Christ will rule from David’s throne on earth. ____|______|______ The Law The Church Future Israel Problem: Serious erosion begins because the lines have grayed. Instead of a phantom covenant we had with Revised Dispensationalism, we have a phantom kingdom functioning mysteriously! If any aspect of the Kingdom is currently in effect: 1.) Cessationism is invalidated and kingdom authority is reintroduced. 2.) Multiple law/grace issues arise which open the way for Reformed soteriology. The Progressive and Charismatic Dispensationalist agrees with the Typical Dispensationalist by declaring that there is only one New Covenant. Unlike the Revised, he does believe it is already in place. He differes from the Typical Dispensationalist, however, in one important way. He ways that the coming Kingdom Age has already been inaugurated. He does this without biblical justification. While the Revised Dispensationalist imagines a phantom covenant, the Progressive imagines a phantom form of David’s kingdom, already in effect, and playing out in some mysterious way. At first glance, this may not represent a serious problem in the minds of some. However, in reality it opens the door to confusing the role of the church, the role of Israel, the dynamics of this age and the dynamics of the coming age. It settles nothing and confuses everything.
The Christological View
Christological Dispensationalism ____|______|______ Spiritual Blessings Spiritual Blessings & Physical Blessings The Law The Church Future Israel / \ The Christological View There is one New Covenant for Israel applied in phase with Messiah’s two-fold mission. The Church participates in all aspects of Abraham’s Covenant because of her in-Christ appropriation of the Abrahamic Covenant made to Christ, but the church only participates in phase with Messiah’s program. In other words, the key to under-standing how the New Covenant applies relates to what Christ is doing in His body the Church or His physical body. A. The Gentile aspect (Messiah as a light to the nations) is in effect and in that context the Abrahamic blessing is beginning to be felt. Christ is carrying out this phase through His body or temple, the Church. B. Israel has yet to fully realize all aspects of the Abrahamic Covenant in the New Covenant which Christ will execute in His physical body. The church will participate in the administration of this covenant, but Christ Himself will consummate it. Specific theocratic promises made uniquely to ethnic Israel will be kept to the last detail. In this instructor’s understanding we do not need to create extra covenants, phantom covenants, of phantom kingdoms. We simply understand (like the Typical Dispensationalist) that this New Covenant is in place. Further more, we understand that while it has been effected, it is being fulfilled in step with what the Lord Jesus Christ is doing. Right now, the Lord Jesus is filling out His Servant role as a light to the nations. “After this,” the Bible says, He will return and set up His kingdom. Right now, He is carrying out His work through the church which is His body. After the church is raptured, He will execute the events of the Day of the Lord and the Millennium in His physical body.
Dispensational Perspectives
Have you noticed?? Only two of these five views are free from allegorism! Do you understand why? Classical Dispensationalism Typical Dispensationalism Revised Dispensationalism Progressive /Charismatic Dispensationalism Christological Dispensationalism (Jim’s View) And why is this important? The believer who does not understand what Jesus Christ is doing, will not understand what he himself is supposed to be doing. We are not in the process of helping the Lord Jesus bring in the Davidic Kingdom. Our task is to reach the lost world for Jesus Christ. The times of the Gentiles may soon be over and our privilege to serve Christ may soon end. Now is the time to reach our lost and dying world for Jesus Christ.
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