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SEEM4570 Tutorial 1:Software Installation

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Presentation on theme: "SEEM4570 Tutorial 1:Software Installation"— Presentation transcript:

1 SEEM4570 Tutorial 1:Software Installation
XAMPP + Cordova + Android SDK + Xcode SDK Cao Yuewen

2 XAMPP Installation Download from Windows version(windows 7 64 bit) will been shown Similar steps for Linux and OS X A 32 bit build will run fine on 64 bit Windows. Php and Apache don't have official supported 64 bit Windows builds, only MySql out of the three does, hence no 64 bit bundle.

3 XAMPP Installation Recommended path: D:\ or C:\
you’d better install it on root directory of D or C disk, otherwise you will need to change lots of working path afterwards. It’s troublesome.

4 XAMPP Installation If you get this page, you have install xampp successfully

5 Cordova Installation 4 Steps : Install node.js Install jdk Install ant
Install cordova

6 Cordova Installation - Install node.js
Download node.js Get node-v x64.msi

7 Cordova Installation - Install node.js
This shows node.js installed successfully

8 Cordova Installation - Install jdk
Download java Get jdk-8u144-windows-x64.exe

9 Cordova Installation - Install jdk
Configure environment variables (D:\softwareData\)java\jdk1.8.0_144\bin (D:\softwareData\)java\jre1.8.0_144\bin

10 Cordova Installation - Install jdk
This shows jdk installed successfully

11 Cordova Installation - Install ant
Download ant Get apache-ant Unzip this .zip file to a specified folder like D:\apache-ant Configure environment variables D:\apache-ant \bin Copy tools.jar from (D:\softwareData)\java\jdk1.8.0_144\lib to (D:\softwareData)\java\jre1.8.0_144\lib This shows ant installed successfully

12 Cordova Installation - Install cordova
Type “npm install –g cordova” at a command prompt If you get this, installment is successful If you get “’cordova’” is not recognized as an internal or external command’ after typing above command statement, check your environment path. There should be one named “(c:\users\YourUserName)\AppData\Roaming\npm\”. It should be added automatically when installing node.js. If there isn’t one, add it.

13 Android SDK Installation
3 Steps for windows : Install jdk Install eclipse Install android sdk For Mac: Refer to

14 Android SDK Installation- Install eclipse
Download android sdk Unzip this .zip file to a specified folder and get eclipse file

15 Android SDK Installation- Install android sdk
Get android-studio-bundle windows.exe It takes about 30 minutes for setup Follow the setup wizard

16 Xcode SDK Installation
2 Steps : Install Mac OSX virtual machine on Vmware or VirtualBox Install Xcode

17 Xcode SDK Installation- Install OSX
Download and install VirtualBox Download MacOS Sierra (5.3GB) Make sure your computer internet connected when you download the package. Take your time

18 Xcode SDK Installation- Install OSX
Create new Virtual Machine Configure system settings

19 Xcode SDK Installation- Install OSX
Close virtualbox and type these in command line: cd "D:\softwareData\VirtualBox" VBoxManage.exe modifyvm "macOS Sierra" --cpuidset e e3fd bfebfbff VBoxManage setextradata "macOS Sierra" "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct" "iMac11,3" VBoxManage setextradata "macOS Sierra" "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion" "1.0" VBoxManage setextradata "macOS Sierra" "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct" "Iloveapple" VBoxManage setextradata "macOS Sierra" "VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey" "ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc" VBoxManage setextradata "macOS Sierra" "VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/GetKeyFromRealSMC" 1 Same as your virtual machine name

20 Xcode SDK Installation- Install OSX
Open virtualbox and click “start” Some code will be loaded. It takes about 1 minute Then run your virtual machine Follow the configuration wizard. You will set the language, district, time and so on. It may take some time to response to your input. So you may see your computer is stuck. It’s ok. Please be patient.

21 Xcode SDK Installation- Install Xcode
Open App store and download Xcode Install Xcode components and modify system settings Since the virtual machine is ready, what we need to do next is to open app store and download xcode.

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