The second conditional

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Presentation on theme: "The second conditional"— Presentation transcript:

1 The second conditional

2 What would the woman do, if she got the job?

3 If I had a million dollars, I would buy a new house.
What would you do if you had a million dollars ?

4 Can you survive a ZOMBIE Attack?

5 X ZOMBIE Attack? Can you survive a You will start with 5 lives.
You have to survive many situations. You must tell us what you would do in each situation. Based on your answer you will lose lives or earn lives. X

6 X ZOMBIE Attack? Can you survive a You will start with 5 lives.
The group with the most lives at the end of the game is the winner…. and will become ruler of the post-zombie world. X

7 Everyone should have water in their backpack. If not
A friend called from Seoul. He said the zombies are coming. There are no zombies yet, but the water supplies are already gone. Everyone should have water in their backpack. If not lose 3 lives! DAY 1

8 What would you do if there wasn’t any running water?
Drink from rivers or streams Drink from springs Catch rain Steal from stores Use your own supplies X DAY 1

9 If someone doesn’t have food in their bag
The zombies are very close to Busan. Stores are empty. Food supplies are gone. If someone doesn’t have food in their bag lose 3 lives! DAY 7

10 What would you do if there wasn’t any food?
Find wild foods in the woods Hunt cats and dogs Steal from stores Steal from abandoned homes Use your own supplies X wild food in the woods, hunt cats and dogs, steal from a grocery store, use own supplies DAY 7

11 If you do not have 2 flashlights
Danger is near. The zombies are in northern Busan. You are still safe, but the power is out. If you do not have 2 flashlights lose 2 lives! DAY 9

12 What would you do if there wasn’t any power?
Use candles Use flashlights Find a generator Campfire candles, flashlights, generator, X DAY 9

13 Think quick! What would you do? Oh no!
You were sleeping when a candle fell over. The building you are in is on fire! Think quick! What would you do?

14 The zombies are here! RUN! Busan is now more dangerous.
The pressure is high. Grammar mistakes will now cost you 1 life

15 The zombies are here! RUN!!!
You are surrounded and must fight the zombies. If someone doesn’t have a weapon lose 3 lives! DAY 10

16 The zombies are here! RUN!!!
You are surrounded and must fight the zombies. If someone brought a gun in their bag. lose 2 lives. There are only toy guns in Korea – unless you are in the military. Allow them to keep their lives if they can REALISTICALLY explain where they got the gun from (i.e. my father is a police officer). DAY 10

17 What would you do if you were attacked by a horde of zombies?
Give up and cry Hide until they are gone Kill as many as possible Fight until you can run away Become a zombie X X X DAY 10

18 What weapons would you take?
Small weapons (knife, hammer) Short-range weapons (machete, stick, axe, sword) Long-range weapons (bow and arrow) Homemade (long stick + knife, soju + lighter) X DAY 10

19 You are safe, but during the fight, a team member fell down and got hurt.
If you don’t have 1 first aid kit in your group lose 2lives! Also, choose a team member to die. DAY 10

20 What would you do if someone was seriously injured?
Carry them with you and use first aid kit Leave them to die Kill them (so they aren’t eaten) X DAY 10

21 If someone has a map or compass in their kit
EARN 1 life! It is getting dark. It is not safe to walk around outside. You need to find a safe place. DAY 11

22 X X Where would you stay? Department Store (Abandoned) Hotel
Forest (camping) School Temple Military Base X X DAY 11

23 You have survived for 2 weeks.
Busan is overrun by zombies. What’s your endgame? DAY 14

24 X X X If you plan to stay and fight…
lose three lives. You can’t survive very long. You are zombie food. X X

25 X X If your plan requires a car
Lose two lives. The roads are clogged with dead cars until the outskirts of the city. You can steal lots of gas, but where will you go? X

26 If your plan requires a motorcycle or bicycle earn one life.
These are quick and efficient. I hope everyone can get one.

27 If your plan is to hide in the forest or mountains…
Earn two lives. It is possible to survive for a while.

28 If your plan is to use a boat…
Earn three lives. It’s a good idea…where would you go?

29 X If you plan to go to North Korea… Lose 10 lives. ARE YOU CRAZY?


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