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Transcendentalism Literary/philosophical movement that stresses the importance of the spiritual, intuitional, and individual over the logical, material,

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Presentation on theme: "Transcendentalism Literary/philosophical movement that stresses the importance of the spiritual, intuitional, and individual over the logical, material,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transcendentalism Literary/philosophical movement that stresses the importance of the spiritual, intuitional, and individual over the logical, material, and physical

2 I. Respect for Nature The transcendentalist observes nature to better understand it and one’s self. Natural world represents perfection and balance. Seeks to become closer to the natural world.

3 II. Intuition Attaining direct knowledge or ideas without evident rational thought or logic. Judging based on “gut feeling”. “Listen to your heart.”

4 III. Over-Soul A great spirit which provides insight and intuition, at death we all rejoin the over-soul. The Over-Soul contains the all people who have ever lived, and all knowledge. Collective Unconscious. (Intuition) It connects Man, Nature, and the Divine.

5 IV. Invisible Eye -To be the perfect observer without disturbing or even appearing in nature. - To view without changing - Empty the “self”

6 V. Individuality - Each person is their own separate, valuable person and sees the world from a unique perspective. - Opposition to industrialism - Manifests also in feminism

7 VI. Civil Disobedience Non-violently acting in opposition to the establishment in order to bring awareness and change.(Protesting) Lasting impression on people- Gandhi, MLK Most important legacy of Transcendentalism

8 Reaction to: The Enlightenment/Rationalism: Everything is explained by logic and science. Emotionless Industrial Revolution: People are replaced by machines. Individual has no worth. Social Issues: Slavery, War, Unresponsive Government.

9 Related to Eastern Thought?
Respect of Nature Intuition Over-Soul Invisible Eye Individuality Civil Disobedience

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