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Steps to Christ Our Need for Jesus Chapter 2 A Biblical Study

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1 Steps to Christ Our Need for Jesus Chapter 2 A Biblical Study
from the book Steps to Christ Chapter 2 Our Need for Jesus

When man sinned, his relationship with God was fundamentally changed. In this study we will discover from Scripture why the sinner needs Jesus and why accepting Jesus as our personal Savior is the only way to solve the problem of sin.

3 Man’s Relationship with God
I. The Effects of Sin on Man’s Relationship with God  Read Genesis 3:6-14 Discussion Questions: What do you think was the real reason Adam and Eve hid themselves from God? What are some of the excuses that Adam made for what he had done? What are some of the excuses we often give for the mistakes that we make? 4. What are some of the results that may occur when we make excuses or in other ways don’t accept responsibility for our sins?

4 Comment: The contemporary culture doesn’t like to accept responsibility for its behavior. The tendency is to blame our parents, our spouses, anyone and everyone, for our problems. Man’s refusal to accept responsibility for his behavior has led him to not only reject God but to manufacture gods of his own making with whom he feels more comfortable.

5 The Effects of Sin on Man’s Nature
 Read Job 14:4; Romans 8:7 Discussion Question: 5. What are some examples of man’s corrupt nature -- In his personal life? In his family life? In his relationship with others? In business affairs? In relationships between nations?

6 The Result of Trying to Change Ourselves
 Read Matthew 15:19; Romans 7:18-19; 1 Corinthians 2:14 Discussion Questions: According to Romans 7:18-19, how would you respond to a person who claims that changing our behavior will solve our problem? According to 1 Corinthians 2:14, what do you think “natural man” means? In relationship to spiritual things, in what ways do you think a person can become a hypocrite? Comment: According to the dictionary, hypocrite means: “Someone who leads you to believe something that is not true; a person who is inwardly evil but outwardly professes to be virtuous; someone who pretends to religious piety.”

7 What it Means to be Born Again
Read John 3:1-4, and 7; Romans 6:4 Discussion Questions: Why do you think Nicodemus was confused when Jesus said he must be born again? What would you tell a person who asks you what it means to be born again? How do you think what Jesus told Nicodemus about being born again relates to what Paul wrote in Romans 6:4?

8 Comment: The popular culture emphasizes looking back into our past
Comment: The popular culture emphasizes looking back into our past. A car has a rearview mirror, but a person cannot go forward if he’s looking backward all the time. What do you think are the kinds of changes that can be expected in the life of a person who is born again?

9 Our Need for Jesus  Read John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Romans 6:23
Discussion Question: In view of the texts above, how would you explain to someone that those who follow pagan religions cannot be saved? Note: “. . . through Christ, earth is again linked with heaven. With His own merits, Christ has bridged the gulf which sin had made Christ connects fallen man in his weakness and helplessness with the source of infinite power.” --Steps to Christ, p. 13

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