Parents in partnership

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1 Parents in partnership

2 AIMS OF THE MEETING…. To explain changes to the end of key stage assessments; To highlight how end of key stage assessments will be reported; To show you the sample tests for end of KS1 and KS2 – identifying expectations; To discuss provision for ‘middle achievers’

3 Key features of assessment under the new National Curriculum
School accountability is the main driver of the statutory arrangements and stakes are high Pupil progress will be the main focus for most schools because the attainment measures – for ‘floor’ and ‘coasting’ - will be much harder to reach Attainment and progress of all pupils in reading, writing and mathematics will matter Continuous scale gone – separate criteria for each statutory assessment – so approaches to monitoring pupils’ attainment and progress over time need to be rethought

4 Key features of assessment under the new National Curriculum (cont.)
Teaching for consolidation, application and depth has greater significance in the new curriculum and needs to be recognised in both planning and assessment Teachers’ and schools’ ability to make progress visible to pupils, parents, governors and Ofsted becomes more important than allocating numbers/grades Data will be less reliable over the next few years as changes are implemented and schools settle down with new TA and test standards

5 So what’s changing in national assessment?
2014/15 2015/16 EY Age 5 / Rec 2-3 Progress Check EYFS Profile [EYFS Profile] New early baseline KS1 Age 7 / Y2 Phonics Screening Check (Y1/2) TA in Rdg / Wtg / Ma (informed by test/task and externally moderated) S&L and Sc Phonics Screening Check (Y1/2) TA in Rdg / Wtg / Ma (informed by tests and externally moderated) and Sc KS2 Age 11 / Y6 Test (R/GP&S/Ma) Levels 3-5 & 6 (Sc sample) & TA (inc statutory wtg TA moderation) (Sc sample)

6 Assessment and accountability from 2016
Early Years New baseline assessment in early Reception: Three of original six suppliers whose baseline assessments met STA criteria gained insufficient support and removed Three remaining – Early Excellence, CEM (Durham Uni) and NFER; Early Excellence with large majority of schools First use of baselines last half-term – will provide basis of progress measurement in primaries at end of KS2 in 2022 Baseline remains optional but schools which don’t use one from autumn 2016 will be held to account on attainment alone (starting from 2023) EYFS Profile to be non-statutory from 2016/17 – i.e. still statutory in summer 2016

7 KS1 Teacher Assessment (For use in 2015-16 only – to be reviewed)
In reading, writing and mathematics, three defined ‘standard statements’: working towards the expected standard working at the expected standard working at greater depth within the expected standard In science, only one standard statement for ‘working at the expected standard’ and a yes/no judgement Pupils need to consistently demonstrate attainment of all statements within the standard (and of preceding one/s ) KEY STAGE 1 INTERIM FRAMEWORK

8 Key Stage 1 tests Annual, internally marked and must be taken in May
Raw scores to be converted to scaled scores, with 100 as the national expectation – outcomes to inform TA and not reported unless parents specifically request them New standard set in June 2016 Reading: (expectation all pupils sit both) paper 1 (lower demand) – about 30 minutes - 20 marks paper 2 (higher demand) – about 40 minutes - 20 marks Mathematics: (No number lines or resources) arithmetic paper – about 20 minutes – 25 marks (NO rulers) reasoning paper – about 35 minutes – 35 marks (ruler allowed) Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling: Paper 1 – Spelling – about 20 minutes - 20 marks Paper 2 – questions – about 20 minutes - 20 marks

9 Key Stage 1 Moderation TA judgements submitted by 13th June
Schools will NOT be notified of moderation until after data submission date Schools will NOT be notified of which children’s work until the day BEFORE at the earliest! Moderation will be through day to day work trawls NOT professional dialogue Evidence must clearly indicate the amount of support a pupil has received Moderators ‘may wish’ to speak to school staff

10 Reporting at the end of KS1 in 2016 – Pupil X
Subject/Aspect Teacher Assessment Judgement Reading Working towards the expected level Working at the expected standard Working at greater depth within the expected standard Writing Working towards the expected standard Mathematics Science Not working at the expected standard

11 Key Stage 2 tests single suite to cover wider range of attainment and with higher ‘expected standard’ externally marked on screen and results as scaled scores with 100 as the national expectation Reading: paper (three texts in order of difficulty) – 60 minutes - 50 marks Mathematics: Paper 1 - arithmetic – 30 minutes – 40 marks Paper 2 - reasoning – 40 minutes – 35 marks Paper 3 - reasoning – 40 minutes – 35 marks Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling: Paper 1 – questions – 45 minutes - 50 marks Paper 2 – spelling – 15 minutes - 20 marks

12 Key Stage only In reading, mathematics and science, one standard statement for ‘working at the expected standard’ and a yes/no judgement only – not used for accountability In writing, three defined ‘standard statements’: working towards the expected standard working at the expected standard working at greater depth within the expected standard Pupils must consistently demonstrate attainment of all statements within the standard (and of preceding one/s) KEY STAGE 2 INTERIM FRAMEWORK

13 Reporting at the end of KS2 in 2016 – Pupil X
Subject/Aspect Test Score* Teacher Assessment Judgement Reading 108 Working at the expected standard Not working at the expected standard Writing N/A Working towards the expected standard Working at greater depth within expected standard Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 112 Mathematics 109 Science

14 2016 Accountability: Floor standards
Attainment: From 2016, KS2 floor standard measure to be 65% of pupils achieving new, higher national standard in all of Reading & Mathematics tests and in Writing TA Progress: measure from 2016 based on pupils making ‘sufficient progress’ in all of Reading and Writing and Mathematics, not separately as before ‘Sufficient progress’ threshold to be defined in 2016 after new KS2 tests have been taken for the first time Transitional arrangements from 2016 to 2023 but progress between KS1 and KS2 will be the key measure for the next six years

15 New floor standard for 2016 – likely impact
2016 floor standard (attainment): same percentage of pupils as in 2014 and 2015 (65% at combined L4) but higher expectation so fewer schools likely to achieve it In 2014, % of schools where 65% of pupils attained Level 4+ in all of Rdg and Ma tests and Wtg TA pupils attained ‘4b+’ in Rdg and Ma tests and L4+ in Wtg TA 90% 60%

16 DfE proposals for ‘coasting schools’ in 2016
Based on school’s attainment and progress over three years (2014, 2015 and 2016) School can be ‘coasting’ only if it falls below all measures in all three years Where a school is judged to be ‘coasting’, the Regional Schools Commissioner will assess whether or not it has a credible plan to ensure pupils make required progress. If so, support from expert head; if not, may become sponsored academy

17 Could we be a ‘coasting’ school in 2016?

18 Measuring pupil progress 2015 to 2023
Years Basis of measuring progress in primary schools 2015 ‘levels of progress from KS1 to KS2 rdg and ma test outcomes and wtg TA 2016 KS1 ‘old’ TA levels to overall KS2 ‘new’ test and TA outcomes 2017 2018 2019 2020 KS1 ‘new’ TA outcomes to overall KS2 ‘new’ test and TA outcomes 2021 2022 New Reception baseline (2015) to overall KS2 ‘new’ test and TA outcomes OR KS1 ‘new’ TA outcomes to KS2 ‘new’ test and TA outcomes (whichever better) 2023 Early baseline to overall KS2 test and TA outcomes

19 TIMETABLE When What July 2015
New sample tests for KS1 and KS2 made available to schools Guidance on scaled scores August 2015 2015 KS2 national and LA results published Sept/Oct 2015 Report of DfE’s Commission on Assessment Without Levels published Teacher Assessment Frameworks published for KS1 & KS2 in 2016 First use of Early Reception Baseline assessments (reported by 23 Oct) Question Level Analysis of 2015 KS2 tests on RAISEonline ARAs for 2016 published in pdf format Nov/Dec 2015 2015 School Performance Tables published STA carries out comparability study on new Baseline assessments Summer 2016 First use of new statutory tests and teacher assessment in Y2 and Y6 Final statutory use of EYFS Profile Sept/Oct 2016 Reception Baseline Assessment used unless school chooses to be held accountable on attainment data alone in 2023 Review of 2016 Interim Teacher Assessment Frameworks


21 CONTEXT Expectation for SEN pupils to receive additional provision (if in receipt of a diagnosis AND/OR EHC. This can be in the form of SENCO intervention (where applicable) or TA intervention; Responsibility of the teacher to ensure targets for SEN are being delivered through quality first teaching as well as through 1:1/group interventions; Gifted and talented ~ top 10% (equates to 3 pupils per class) – how school deliver provision is at discretion of each school and will depend on funding streams manpower etc.

22 MIDDLE ACHIEVERS… Quality first teaching: clear differentiation within class, teacher led and TA led group support within lessons as required; Changes to the ways in which intervention groups are delivered – more fluid, less ‘stigma’ attached, short-sharp bursts of quality intervention, records maintained to demonstrate impact and progress; Termly pupil progress meetings held between teachers and senior leaders to identify children who may be underachieving or ‘coasting’. Discussion re. interventions – next meeting will begin with impact of those interventions and look at the progress made by the children.

23 Any further ideas…..

24 The PREVENT Duty

25 Thank you for attending and for your ideas and suggestions
NEXT MEETINGS: Dates: Agenda: Tuesday 26th April pm~8pm School Development Plan for Tuesday 12th July pm~8pm Data feedback: Year groups and Y1 Phonics, KS1 and KS2 (unvalidated)

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