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Applying CSS to Tables Stylish Tables.

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Presentation on theme: "Applying CSS to Tables Stylish Tables."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying CSS to Tables Stylish Tables

2 Issue #1 Borders

3 Causes to look like there’s a small well between each cell
By Default… Borders show doubled-up when made to appear What if we don’t want that? Causes to look like there’s a small well between each cell

4 Collapse Them! Will cause borders directly adjacent to each other to simply appear as a single border

5 Issue #2 Long Tables

6 Long Tables Really long tables are hard to read
Solution #1 – alternate coloring of rows Solution #2 – make a row change color when user hovers over it

7 Solution #1 Create a class that you apply to every other row

8 Solution #2 Add a hover pseudo-select to rows

9 Cell Dimensions Controlled by Text
Issue #3 Cell Dimensions Controlled by Text

10 Solution: Set Widths Setting width of table Units: pixels, %
If use % - sizes to that percent of container (right now – that’s the whole page) Example: After Before

11 Setting Width of Cells %  percent of total table Example: Before

12 Text too close to edge of cell
Issue #4 Text too close to edge of cell

13 Solution: Padding Example: Before After

14 Text alignment in cells
Issue #5 Text alignment in cells

15 Solution – Control with text-align
Example: Before After

16 Etc. Can basically style using all the selectors we have seen for other elements Font properties Padding – overall and on particular sides Border – overall and on particular sides Background colors and images Etc.

17 Etc. Can style at multiple levels of control by using certain elements
<table>  entire table overall – includes surrounding outline and overall background <tr>  an entire row <th>  heading cell <td>  data cell Can also create classes and apply selectively to certain parts

18 Working with More than One Table on a Page, but Styling Differently?
Use ID’s

19 ID’s Assign the table an id
<table id=“tb1”> ….other code for table When go to style parts of THAT table only, precede element with #id: #tb1 tr{ }

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