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Observation vs. Inference

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Presentation on theme: "Observation vs. Inference"— Presentation transcript:

1 Observation vs. Inference

2 Observation A direct method of gathering information in an orderly way (using your senses)

3 Inference An assumption based on prior experience (a guess based on your observations)



6 Aliens!

7 Technique #2: Grab Sample

8 Grab Sample Lab You will sample 4 times total

9 Directions – Grab Sample
Using forceps, each group will take 8 sediment samples total (divide it up evenly) Create a bar graph (using color!) to show the data you collect You can do 2 graphs on each side of the paper Label your X & Y Axis and include a Title *I will collect this so use a new piece of paper

10 Bar Graphs (4) Title X-Axis = Types of sediment
Y-Axis = # of each sediment collected

11 Conclusions 1. In complete sentences, compare your 4 trials:
What can you infer about the sediments on the ocean floor based on your 4 trials? Explain why scientists do as many trials as possible when conducting research.

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