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Digital Photography: Hands On Tips & Tricks to Better Photographs

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Photography: Hands On Tips & Tricks to Better Photographs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Photography: Hands On Tips & Tricks to Better Photographs
Baby, Fem, Family March 13, 2014

2 Dave Landers BM Fem Care Amateur Photographer

3 Objectives Learn something new about photography
Put that learning to work; try something new Have fun!

4 Agenda Camera Basics Exposure Aperture Shutter Speed ISO
Hands-On Stations Competition

5 Camera Types Many types of digital cameras. Here are just a few of the core groups Camera Phone Point & Shoot DSLR

6 Lens – “Glass” Different Ranges: 17mm, 300mm, etc.
Different Types: Wide Angle, Macro, Fisheye Different Features: Stabilization, Ultra Sonic Motors, “Speed”, etc.

7 Camera Modes Unlock the power of your camera when you get beyond “green auto”

8 Exposure Understanding 3 core drivers and how they interact is fundamental

9 Aperture WHAT DOES IT MEAN? It’s the diameter of the lens opening.
Wider = More Light HOW DOES IT SHOW UP? WIDE NARROW Values stated as fractions so: f/2 > f/22

10 Aperture How it impacts your photos: Focus - Depth of Field

11 Shutter Speed WHY DOES IT MATTER?

12 ISO – “Film Speed” How it impacts your photos:
Counters low light, but can add noise

13 Breakouts Explore the hands-on stations Practice each concept
Contest: Take photos

14 Action DO THIS: NOT THIS:

15 Moving Water DO THIS: NOT THIS:

16 Light Painting DO THIS: NOT THIS:

17 #Selfie DO THIS: NOT THIS:


19 Depth of Field DO THIS: NOT THIS:

20 Landscapes DO THIS: NOT THIS:

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