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Welcome to English IV (I have missed many of you!)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to English IV (I have missed many of you!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to English IV (I have missed many of you!)
Mrs. Hostetler

2 English Language

3 Introductions Kayla Hostetler
University of Pittsburgh, University of South Carolina Pittsburgh, PA Lived in a development growing up, etc. Spending time with my baby, reading, traveling, watching football, and writing Tell me your name and something about your self


5 Course Requirements Students are expected to participate in all classroom activities. The goal is for every student to attain the highest level of achievement. This can only happen with full participation. Students will complete all assignments on time and will be responsible for making up any missed assignments due to absences

6 Needed Materials Composition Notebook Folder Headphones Flashdrive
Planner Highlighters Pens Sticky Notes

No food, drinks, gum, lotion, or makeup allowed in class. Cell Phone Policy = No Phones Out

8 Class Policies Students are expected to be in their seats and working on the Startup EVERY DAY when the bell rings. Do not ask to go see another teacher, go to the library, or work on another assignment during instructional time.

9 Class Policies Most importantly: Be engaged and attentive! The most successful students take notes, limit talking, and NEVER sleep in class! Show RESPECT!

10 Procedures Enter class and begin Startup while attendance is taken.
All classwork will be turned in to your class’s assigned location. Assignments not finished in class should be completed for homework. Late Work

11 Procedures Trash and recycling should be placed in the appropriate bin, NOT THROWN This is not P.E. – no one cares how well you shoot Sharpen your pencil at any time.

12 Procedures - Restroom Please make every effort to go to the bathroom before class, if an emergency arises and you need to go to the bathroom during class, you must wait until I am not in the middle of instructions or lecturing.

13 Procedures – Fire Alarms
If the event of a fire alarm, you should calmly exit my classroom and turn left, going through the double doors STAY TOGETHER and convene on the baseball field. I will take attendance again, then we wait until told to return to class – DO NOT WANDER OFF!! Upon returning to class, we will immediately get back on task

14 Procedure-Drills 1. Earthquake Drill
Get under YOUR desk with something to cover your head 2. Tornado Drill Follow my directions: Bring something to cover your head and we will go into the hallway 3. Lockdown Situation Follow my directions: QUIETLY move towards the front of the classroom and be silent away from windows and doors

15 Rules You will be SILENT anytime someone comes over the intercom
You will be in your seat and ready to go at the bell Eating & drinking in class are prohibited. Bottled drinks will be the only drink allowed in the class.

16 Rules Respect the teacher and classmates.
Follow all school & district rules

17 Discipline Policies Verbal or Visual warning
Student/Teacher conference Parental contact Write-up/Referral to administration

18 Grading Procedures Your quarter grade will be calculated with the following: Tests, Essays, Projects, and Journals (60%) Quizzes, Socratic Seminars, Debates, Discussions, and Peer Mentoring,(30%) Group Work, Daily Participation, Life Skills, Homework(10%)

19 Grading Procedures Your semester grade will be calculated with the following: Quarter 1 (or 3): 40% Quarter 2 (or 4): 40% Semester Exam: 20%

20 Classwork/Homework If a student misses an assignment due to an excused absence, then they can make up the work for full credit It is YOUR responsibility to get your makeup work! According to the student handbook, the student has the amount of days absent to make up the work.

21 Units of Study Quarter 1: Reading

22 Units of Study Quarter 1 Major Assignment In Class Essay
Anglo-Saxon Informational Essay Literary Analysis Essay Peer Mentor Journals Critical Reader Response Journals Socratic Seminars Beowulf Boast or Rhyme Project Hero’s Journey Project or Canterbury Tales Project Book Club Hangout Anglo-Saxon Unit Test Medieval Unit Test

23 Schoology Training 9280 Log In: Username: Student ID # Password: FCTstudent


25 Homework Your signature pages in your syllabus should be signed and returned to me by Friday, August 25th. Log onto Schoology and REMIND Complete your Future Sheet Complete the Symbolism Activity In-class Essay Tomorrow

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