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Thomas F. Lüscher, FESC, FAHA, FRCP

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Presentation on theme: "Thomas F. Lüscher, FESC, FAHA, FRCP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thomas F. Lüscher, FESC, FAHA, FRCP
CRT 2017, Washington, DC, USA How do I Treat Today‘s Patient with Resistant Hypertension in My Practice? Thomas F. Lüscher, FESC, FAHA, FRCP Professor and Chairman of Cardiology and Director, Center for Molecular Cardiology, University and University Hospital Zurich

2 Boston Scientific Research Grant Medtronic Research Grant
CRT 2017, Washington, DC, USA Disclosure: Boston Scientific Research Grant Medtronic Research Grant St. Jude Educational Grant


4 Managing Treatment-Resistant Hypertension: Basics for the Definition
Life Style Changes Antihypertensive Drugs Exercise Weight Loss Moderate Salt Diet Potassium Supplementation Calcium Antagonist ACE-Inhibitor or ARB Chlorthalidone or Torasemid

5 Managing Treatment-Resistant Hypertension:
Confirmation by 24h Ambulatory BP Measurement


7 Managing Treatment-Resistant Hypertension:
Excluding Systolic Hypertension

8 Managing Treatment-Resistant Hypertension:
Excluding Secondary Hypertension Clinical: BMI Body shape Murmur Diet Imaging: Ultrasound CR Scan Angiography Renal artery stenosis Conn‘s Syndrome Cushing syndrome Pheochromocytoma Aortic Isthmus stenosis Hormone Mea- surements: PRA Aldosterone Cortisol Metanephrine

9 Anatomy Access Guiding catheter Device
Managing Treatment-Resistant Hypertension: Evaluation for Renal Nerve Ablation Anatomy Access Guiding catheter Device




13 Anatomy of Renal Sympathetic Nerves

14 Impact of Number of Ablations on Change in Office SBP: Symplicity HTN-3 Matched Cohort Analysis
166 155 134 100 63 46 27 19 10 N=163 152 131 98 61 45 26 18 9 P value for trend= 0.01 Baseline SBP 95% CI P* -1.7(-7.1, 3.7) 0.54 -3.1 (-8.6, 2.4) 0.27 -5.4 (-11.3, 0.5) 0.07 -7.1 (-13.9,-0.3) 0.04 -8.4 (-17.4, 0.7) -11.5 (-21.8,-1.2) 0.03 -14.1 (-28.8, 0.7) 0.06 -12.0 (-30.0, 5.9) 0.18 -12.4 (-44.6, 19.8) 0.43 Propensity scores using baseline characteristics as covariates were used to match sham control and denervation patients *P value change in SBP for RDN compared with sham Data presented are mean (SD) David E. Kandzari et al. EuroPCR 2014

15 The Zurich RNA Registry
Personal Experience: The Zurich RNA Registry



18 Thank You! CRT 2017, Washington, DC, USA
How do I Treat Today‘s Patient with Resistant Hypertension in My Practice? Difficult to treat hypertensives Exclusion of secondary hypertension Exclusion of systolic hypertension Appropriate antihypertensive regimen Ballon-based Ablation Proper Follow-up Thank You!

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