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Four years of increasing participation in performing arts education.

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1 Four years of increasing participation in performing arts education.
Transitions 20/40 Four years of increasing participation in performing arts education.

2 Transitions 20/40 Funded pre-tertiary performing arts training
Students are from SIMD 20/40 datazones First funding cycle ran from Second funding cycle will run from

3 Inequality of opportunity
Visible in performing arts- much media attention Also detectible in small specialist institutions. SIMD 20 numbers were as low as 7.4% in 2013 Increased to 11.7% in 2014/15. National Average is 16%.

4 Supported Students on Transitions 20/40
Funded numbers increased every year Peaked in 2016/17 with 187 Slightly under-recruited from initial proposal

5 How determinant is SIMD status?
It took me a while to work that out. I was like ‘Should I be offended? Are they calling me poor?’’ T20/40 Drama Student

6 Other barriers within SIMD?
Deaf students Care experienced students Remote students

7 Deaf Students Two deaf drama students on Transitions 20/40 in 2013/14
Strong partnerships with Solar Bear Lack of representation in profession

8 Deaf Students Provoked cultural shift in RCS
Deaf Awareness Training, Introduction to BSL Introduction of UK’s first BA Performance in BSL

9 Care Experienced/Carers
Determinant barrier to young persons prospects Not often identified using SIMD Case was made for specific students’ eligibility

10 Care Experienced/Carers
Location of the Kibble in relation to SIMD 20/40 datazones SIMD 20 SIMD 40

11 Care Experienced/Carers
96% of Care experienced young people do not go to university Care experience is now a formal eligibility criteria for T20/40 In 2016/17 8 T20/40 students declared they were care experienced and 5 students declared caring responsibilities

12 Students from remote areas
‘It is extremely expensive to both travel down and stay in Glasgow for the courses. I wouldn’t be able to afford that, and my family wouldn’t be able to afford that without the funding’ T20/40 Drama Student

13 Geographic Spread of students
Map of 2015/16 Cohort T20/40 now has 3 students from the western isles ODBL to be used Rurality now to be recognised

14 Students from remote areas
Doing Transitions, it was kind of an opportunity to grow up if you know what I mean? To mature, even by doing those steps, getting on the train by yourself, staying in a hotel by yourself when you’re which is really scary if you’re from a place that is really tiny, in a city that you don’t know into a class with people who you’ve got no idea who’s going to be there or anything like that. T20/40 Drama Student

15 The future of T20/40 SIMD 20 Care experienced young people
Those estranged from their family BAME Deaf students Remote learners 7-11 year olds.

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