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Common dermatology problems

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1 Common dermatology problems
Dr Ghada A. Bin Saif Assisstant professor Dermatology department King saud university & KKUH

2 2 w : enlarging eruption on trunk
15 year old 2 w : enlarging eruption on trunk

Tinea corporis (active edge) Discoid eczema (numerous, symmetrical, no central clearing) Erythema annulare centrifugum Granuloma annulare Contact allergic dermatitis Annular psoriasis Pityriasis rosea Seborrhoeic dermatitis

4 Erythema annulare centrifugum

5 Granuloma annulare

6 Tinea corporis management ? ?

7 SPECIAL STUDIES TREATMENT Scraping : KOH & fungal culture Isolated
Topical (Allylamines, imidazoles) BD X 2-4 WK Widespread Fluconazole 150 mg weekly x 2-4 w Itraconazole 200 mg OD X w Terbinafine 250 mg OD x w Grisofulvin 500 mg OD x 2-4 w

8 40 year old 2 year history of knees, elbows and truncal eruption


10 Plaque Psoriasis

11 Plaque Psoriasis management ?

12 Management of chronic plaque psoriasis
Education Arthropathy ?? Scalp : CS scalp lotion, T gel shampoo < 5 % BSA : topical -- Sequential therapy - Diprolein oint & Daivonix BD x 5d BD x 2d w PM AM w BD X 2d BD x 5d - Tazarotene - Salicylic a >10 % : phototherapy or systemic ttt

13 Lichen Simplex Chronicus
55 year old 2 Y : very pruritic eruption on ankle Lichen Simplex Chronicus

14 TREATMENT Stop itching + emollients
High potency topical CS +- occlusion Diprolein oint BD Dermovate oint BD IL CS Oral antihistamines ( Atarax) ?? Skin biopsy

15 14 Y Old pruritic eruption in arm & legs flexors X ys worse in winter bronchial asthma intolerance to wool orbital darkening Atopic dermatitis



18 28 y old lady 9 m : pruritic hand eruption bilaterally

Contact dermatitis Tinea mannum Palmoplantar Psoriasis

20 Tinea mannum

21 Hand dermatitis management ? ?

22 SPECIAL STUDIES TREATMENT Patch test Scraping for KOH
Avoid ppt & Emollients Potent topical CS Oral antihistamine

23 30 y old gentleman 6 y : recurrent pruritic sole eruption bilaterally

Dyshidrotic eczema Allergic contact dermatitis Tinea pedis Pustular psoriasis

25 Contact dermatitis

26 Tinea Pedis

27 Pustular psoriasis

28 Dyshidrotic eczema management ? ?

TREATMENT Oral antihistamine Potent topical CS Botox inj Systemic therapy


Depigmented: - Vitiligo ( acquired, pattern of depigmentation) - Piebaldism (birth, AD, site, Pig ,S, white forlock) - Chemical leucoderma Hypopigmented : - Tuberous sclerosis (birth, S , lance-ovate) - Nevus depigmentosus (birth, S, unilateral) - Post Inflammatory Hypopigmentation - Pityriasis alba (scales) - MF Nonmelanotic : - Nevus anaemicus (S)


33 Tuberous sclerosis

34 Nevus depigmentosus

35 Nevus anaemicus

36 Post Inflammatory Hypopigmentation

37 Pityriasis alba

38 Vitiligo management ??


40 Limited Vitiligo SPECIAL STUDIES
T4, TSH, FBS, ANA/Ro/La (prior to PUVA) TREATMENT Sunscreen (sunburn, koebnerization, tanning) Class 3 topical GC OD x3w - skip a week. Monitor for SE: 2 m Topical Tacrolimus Topical PUVA Excimer laser Resistant, Stable of 2 years : Surgical

41 Management ?

42 25 year old gentleman 2 years: facial , upper back eruption

Acne vulgaris ( comedons) Steroid induced acne ( monomorphic) Papulopustular Rosacea ( centrofacial, erythema, telangiectasia ) lupus miliaris disseminata faciei Perioral dermatitis Folliculitis Pseudofolliculitis barbae

44 Acne Vulgaris Moderate papulopustular

45 Comedonal acne

46 Nodulocystic acne

47 Scars

48 Drug Induced Acne


50 SPECIAL STUDIES When suspected ? ?
- Testosterone, prolactin, FSH/LH, DHEAS, Scan ovaries - Morning cortison, 17a-OH Progesterone Roaccutane: Preg. Test, LFT, Lipid Minocycline : ANA, LFT AT 6-8 m

51 TREATMENT Mild : Topicals Comedonal : retinoids
Inflammatory: Abx, BP, azelic a Combined Moderate : Oral Abx (6-8 m) + topical keratolytic Tetracyclines (Doxycycline, minocycline) Female: Dianette + topical or oral Abx Older women: spironolactone Severe (physically, psychologically, failure to respond, scarring, GNF ): Oral isotretinoin Maintainance therapy ? ? ?

52 How to use oral isotretinoin ? ?
Lab No pregnancy Dose : mg/kg/d Cumulative dose : mg/kg LFT + lipid monthly Fixed dose: 2 test normal : No more test Refresh eye drops Emollients ( lips)

53 70 year old 5 year: facial flushing & eruption and eye redness No ttt use before
Papulopustular Rosacea



56 Pseudofolliculitis barbae
30 year old 3 year: facial eruption, increased after shaving Pseudofolliculitis barbae


58 Retinoic a Glycolic a Laser depilation

59 60 year old 4 year: oily face facial and scalp eruption
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis

60 TREATMENT Scalp : - shampoo ( ketoconazole, salicylic a,
selenium sulfide) - Glucocorticoids scalp lotion Face & trunk: -Low potency topical GC -Topical imidazoles (ketoconazole) Resistant: Oral ketoconazole or itraconazole (2-3w)

61 25 Year old lady 1 m: localized hair loss

62 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS (acquird, localized)
Alopecia Areata Tinea capitis Trichotillomania Scarring alopecia

63 Tinea capitis (Gray patch)

64 Trichotillomania

65 Scarring alopecia ( Lichen planopilaris)

66 Alopecia areata management ? ?

67 SPECIAL STUDIES CBC, TFT, antibodies, serum B12 PROGNOSTIC FACTORS - young (<5y) - Severity - Ophiasis - Duration before ttt - Nail changes

68 TREATMENT Observation Intralesional CS ( TA 2.5-5 mg/ml-- /m)
Potent topical CS ( with occlusion) Anthralin , retinoic a Topical minoxidil Systemic CS PUVA

69 6 Y old boy 3 weeks : localized hair fall

Tinea capitis (kerion) Bacterial pyoderma Folliculitis decalvans Perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens

71 Tinea capitis (kerion) management ??

72 SPECIAL STUDIES Hair pluck and scales: KOH & fungal culture
Wood’s lamp

73 TREATMENT Education Ketoconazole shampoo Systemic antifungal
Grisofulvin (ultamicrosized 10-15mg/kg/d) 500mg PO OD X 6-8 w Itraconazole (5mg/kg/d) 200mg BD X 4-8w OR 3 pulses Terbinafine (5mg/kg/d) 250mg OD X 2-4w Fluconazole 6mg/kg/d X 3-6w Prednisolone 1 mg/kg/d X 2w

74 19 year old 3 m : pruritic, short lived, recurrent eruption
Chronic urticaria


76 SPECIAL STUDIES Unnecessary for acute urticaria
CBC ,Blood eosinophilia Stool examination ESR Thyroid autoantibodies


78 45 y old 1 Y : finger and toe nail discoloration

Onychomycosis Psoriasis Lichen planus Hyperthyroidism Trauma Pachyonychia congenita



82 5d: Fever, joint pain, painful eruption on both chins
29 Y old lady 5d: Fever, joint pain, painful eruption on both chins Erythema Nodosum


84 SPECIAL STUDIES ALL :ASO titer, throat culture, CXR, PPD TREATMENT Bed rest NSAID (Indomethacin 25mg PO TID ) KI (super sat. sol.)5 drops TID Colchicine 1mg OD Hydroxychloroquine 200mg PO BD Prednisolone

85 Striae treatment ??

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