Normal Conducting Magnets

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Presentation on theme: "Normal Conducting Magnets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Normal Conducting Magnets
Practical CERN Normal Conducting Magnets Thursday 25th & Friday 26th February 2016, 9:00 – 17:00

2 Outline Brief introduction to accelerator magnets
Program and Organization of Magnet Practical Works Magnet Technology, Production and Testing Magnetic Measurements

3 Magnetic Field in Particle Accelerators
Particle accelerators: control over moving (charged) particles  need action against mechanical inertia Equilibrium in the transverse plane: Centrifugal force vs. Lorentz force F = mv2/ρ F = q(E + vΛB) Electrical field quickly shows limits to drive particles with high mass (hadrons) and/or velocity  qvB = mv2/ρ Magnetic rigidity: Bρ = mv/q “A charged particle with constant velocity crossing constant field follows a circular trajectory”

4 Introduction to Magnets
A magnetomotive force creates a magnetic flux iron core coil magnetic field NI = R x  Magnetomotive force is essentially used in the air gap air gap current Flux = Field x Section = B x A (“Field” is actually “Magnetic flux density”) Courtesy D. Tommasini

5 Introduction to Magnets
Basic principles : constitutive equations Introduction to Magnets R = length /(electrical conductivity x section) R = length/ (magnetic permeability x section) NI =  H∙dl (Ampère’s law) R x (Hopkinson’s law) B = 0rH µ0 = 4∙10-7 Tm/A H can be interpreted as “magnetizing pressure” In ferromagnetic materials small H creates high B liron NI lair Courtesy D. Tommasini

6 Dipoles Purpose: bend or steer the particle beam
Equation for normal (non‐skew) ideal (infinite) poles: y= ±r (r = half gap height) Magnetic flux density: By= a1= B0 = const. ‘Allowed’ harmonics: n = 1, 3, 5, 7, ... (= 2n pole errors) Courtesy T. Zickler

7 Dipoles Courtesy T. Zickler

8 Quadrupoles Purpose: focusing the beam (in one plane)
Equation for normal (non‐skew) ideal (infinite) poles: 2xy= ±r2(r = aperture radius) Magnetic flux density: By= a2x ‘Allowed’ harmonics: n = 2, 6, 10, 14, ... Courtesy T. Zickler

9 Quadrupoles Courtesy T. Zickler

10 Sextupoles Purpose: correct chromatic aberrations
Equation for normal (non‐skew) ideal (infinite) poles: 3x2y ‐y3= ±r3 (r = aperture radius) Magnetic flux density: By= a3(x2‐y2) ‘Allowed’ harmonics: n = 3, 9, 15, 21, ... Courtesy T. Zickler

11 Sextupoles Courtesy T. Zickler

12 Program and Organization of Practical days
8 to 10 participants Hands-on practical work in CERN laboratories Guided by CERN magnet experts Split into two half-day sessions Magnet production and testing Magnetic measurmements

13 Magnet Production and Testing
Introduction to magnet production Materials for magnets Magnet components Manufacturing technologies Testing and measurement techniques Practical work in magnet test facility (Meyrin site, bldg. 375) Participants will perform certification tests and measurements on recently built magnets Measurements on systems and apparatus using formulae learned during the theoretical courses Visit the CERN normal conducting magnet prototype workshop “NORMAPRO” (Prévessin site, bldg. 867) Yoke manufacturing Coil winding and impregnation

14 Magnet Production Coil winding Yoke manufacturing Coil impregnation
Magnet assembly Magnet testing

15 Magnet Testing and Practical Applications

16 Magnetic Measurements
Visit the Magnetic Measurement Laboratory Introduction to different measurement techniques Field mapping Rotating coil technique Stretched wire technique Practical work in magnetic measurement lab I8 Participants will measure magnets using rotating coil bench Analysis of mesurement results with CERN experts

17 Visit of Magnetic Measurement Laboratory

18 Field Mapping Fluxmeter Hall probe

19 Rotating Coil Measurements
Tangential coil Radial flux Radial coil Tangential flux

20 Streched Wire Measurements

21 Looking forward... welcome you at CERN!

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