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Basic 1960s It was designed to emphasize ease of use. Became widespread on microcomputers It is relatively simple. Will make it easier for people with.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic 1960s It was designed to emphasize ease of use. Became widespread on microcomputers It is relatively simple. Will make it easier for people with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic 1960s It was designed to emphasize ease of use. Became widespread on microcomputers It is relatively simple. Will make it easier for people with less computing knowledge to use it.

2 Structural programming, lexical variable, scope and recursion.
Useful for many applications that had been coded in assembly language, such as OS Imperative procedure. Structural programming, lexical variable, scope and recursion.

3 Scheme It is used by schools as an introductory computer science courses. It is a very simple language and has a block structure. 1970

4 Python can be used as a scripting language for web applications.
It is designed for its code readability and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of codes 1991

5 Android OS uses java language for the basis of their applications.
‘write once, run anywhere.’ This is the main feature and it basically means that the compiled java code can run on all platforms that support java. 1995

6 Ruby 1995 Web applications. Embedding code in strings.
Everything is an expression and everything is executed imperatively. 1995

7 C# 2000 Building applications and durable system 'level components
It is a modern, general-purpose programming language It is object oriented. It is component oriented. It is easy to learn. 2000

8 For younger people trying to understand basic java and python code.
Scratch For younger people trying to understand basic java and python code. Offers a big and useful GUI which can be easy to understand and make it easy to see what the user is doing. May

9 Using remote files, handling files uploads, command line usage.
PHP Web development can be used to implement standalone graphical applications Using remote files, handling files uploads, command line usage. 1995

10 Loading new page or submitting data can be done without page refresh.
JavaScript Loading new page or submitting data can be done without page refresh. Can respond to users actions quickly. Can detect individual keystrokes and things that html cannot usually detect. 1995

11 Visual Basic .NET Creating a user interface, work with text and graphics and programming with objects Easy to learn. Enables rapid application development of graphical user interface applications 1991

12 Pascal 1970 Program HelloWorld(output); Begin Write('Hello, world!')
{no ";" is required after the last statement of a block - adding one adds a "null statement" to the program;} End. It offers several data types like arrays, records, files and sets. It supports structured programming through functions and procedures. 1970

13 COBOL Business, finance and administrative systems for companies and governments. Has an English like syntax which is used to describe everything in the program. 1959

14 Perl All versions of Perl do automatic data-typing and automatic memory management 1987

15 Arithmetic companies and solving problems.
ALGOL 68 Arithmetic companies and solving problems. expression-based syntax, user-declared types and structures/tagged-unions, a reference model of variables and reference parameters, string, array and matrix slicing, and also concurrency. 1968

16 Was used in Watson. Used for pattern matching.
Prolog Was used in Watson. Used for pattern matching. fully object oriented, based on logical programming with Horn clauses, algebraic data types, pattern matching and unification 1972

17 Facebook use Haskell for its anti-spam programs.
Haskell features lazy evaluation, pattern matching, list comprehension, type classes, and type polymorphism. It is a purely functional language, which means that in general, functions in Haskell do not have side effects. 1990

18 C++ Most packaged software is still written in C++. That means games, office applications, graphics and video editors, and operating systems. It offers classes, which provide the four features commonly present in OOP (and some non-OOP) languages: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. 1983

19 Assembly Assembly language is used for transforming higher-level programming languages like C into machine code. One-to-one link to machine code. Is specific to a particular computer architecture. 1949

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