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Male Reproductive System

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1 Male Reproductive System
Chapter 16

2 Combining Forms for the Male Reproductive System
balan/o glans penis balanoplasty epididym/o epididymis epididymitis orch/o testis/testicle orchitis orchi/o orchiopexy orchid/o orchidectomy

3 Combining Forms for the Male Reproductive System
perine/o perineum perineal sperm/o sperm (seed) oligospermia spermat/o spermatic vas/o vessel vasorrhaphy

4 Male Reproductive System

5 Male Reproductive System Functions
Produce and maintain sperm Introduce sperm into the female reproductive tract to fertilize the female ovum Secretes certain hormones necessary for the maintenance of secondary sexual characteristics in the male

6 Penis Erectile tissue covered with skin Contains:
urethra for urination ducts for secretion of seminal fluid (semen) semen mixture of the secretions of the testes, seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands Discharged from the male urethra during orgasm glans penis bulging structure at the distal end of the penis prepuce foreskin; loose casing covering the glans penis removed by circumcision

7 Scrotum A bag; skin-covered pouch in the groin that is divided into two sacs, each containing a testis and epididymis testis (testicle) produces sperm and the male hormone testosterone sperm sex cell produced in the testes unites with ovum to produce offspring epididymis — coiled duct on top and at the side of the testis that stores sperm before emission vas deferens duct that caries sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct

8 Testes and Appendages

9 Symptomatic & Diagnostic Terms
Anchorism Cryptorchism Hydrocele Hypospadias ED Peyronie disease Phimosis BPH Testicular CA

10 Cryptorchism Undescended testicle during fetal development
Remains lodged in the abdomen Requires surgical repair

11 Prostate Trilobular gland that encircles the urethra
Located just below the bladder Secretes an alkaline fluid into the semen Normal Prostate Enlarged Prostate

12 Operative Terms Orchiectomy Orchiopexy Prostatectomy TUPR Vasectomy

13 Vasectomy

14 Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s or STI’s)
Chlamydia Most common STD; has no symptoms Gonorrhea Inflammation of genital mucous membrane and has a discharge Syphilis A spirochete (twisted bacteria) causes chancres Hepatitis B Viral inflammation of the liver transmitted through vaginal secretions, semen, and blood.

15 STD’s continued Herpes simplex virus T2 HIV HPV
Virus causing ulcer like lesions on the genital and rectal skin/mucosa. Lies dormant in nerves and reoccurs at times of stress HIV A virus, which causes AIDS, and leads to a breakdown of the immune system leaving the person vulnerable to many opportunistic infections. Spread through blood, vaginal, and seminal secretions. HPV A virus causing cauliflower-like warts on the mucous membranes and have a flat appearance (aka genital warts) This project was funded at $3,000,000 (100% of its total cost) from a grant awarded under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grants, as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. Rogue Community College is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services, alternate form and language services are available to individuals with disabilities and limited English proficiency free of cost upon request. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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