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2 WHAT IS IT? Terrorism = The calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear, intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally: Political-Shining Path, Aryan Nation Religious-Hezbollah, IRA Special Interest/Ideological-PETA, Earth First

All terrorist acts are criminal and intolerable U.S. will support all lawful measures to prevent terrorism, or bring terrorists to justice No concessions to terrorists

Generate influence Terrorism is a criminal activity perpetrated to draw attention to a cause Generate Publicity Target is means, not the end Target symbolizes what terrorists oppose

5 MUNICH OLYMPICS (1972) Black September Organization
11 Israeli athletes murdered Israelis were immediate victims Terrorists desired worldwide media attention for plight of Palestinian refugees

Effectiveness of terrorist act does not lie in the mere act Effectiveness is gauged by government or public reaction Beirut/1983 241 Marines killed U.S. withdraws from Beirut

Produce widespread fear Harass, weaken, or embarrass government security forces Discourage foreign investment, tourism or assistance programs that affect the country’s economy and support for the government Free prisoners Satisfy vengeance

8 TERRORIST TACTIC: BOMBING OR ARSON World Trade Center New York City Feb 26, 1993
Six killed; over 1,000 wounded Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman Ramzi Yousef Hoped to cause tower to collapse onto its twin to make US pay for supporting Israel

9 TERRORIST TACTIC: BOMBING OR ARSON Marine Barracks/Beirut International Airport Beirut, Lebanon 23 October 1983 241 Dead 105 Injured Hizbollah Anti-western, anti-Isralei Pro-Iran Seeks to establish Iranian style Islamic govt in Lebanon. Trained and financed by Iran Leads to US withdrawal from Lebanon.

10 TERRORIST TACTIC: HOSTAGE TAKING Moscow Theater October 2002
Chechen separatist guerillas hold 750 or more theater patrons for several days Armed with rifles, explosives, grenades Demand immediate end to Russian incursions into secessionist Chechnya province

11 TERRORIST TACTIC: KIDNAPPING Wall Street Journal Reporter Daniel Pearl Jan - Feb 2002
National Movement for the Restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty Demand the release from U.S. custody of suspected Taliban and al-Qaida fighters and Afghanistan's former ambassador to Pakistan, Abdul Salam Zaeef Daniel Pearl murdered

12 TERRORIST TACTIC: ASSASSINATION Egyptian President Anwar Sadat October 6 1981
Islami Fundamentalist murder during annual military parade Sadat considered traitor to Islam for signing the Camp David Peace Accords with Israel

13 TERRORIST TACTIC: HIJACKINGS Pan Am Flight 103 December 21, 1988
270 killed Including 35 students from Syracuse University Libyan or Iranian backed If Iranian, in response to downing of Iran Air by USS Vincennes

14 TERRORIST TACTIC: SEIZURE Japanese Embassy Lima, Peru Dec 1996
71 hostages taken by Tupac Amaru Sought freedom for imprisoned comrades 1 hostage, 2 soldiers, 14 terrorists killed during raid

15 TERRORIST TACTIC: CYBERTERRORISM Defense Department February 1998 (Over a two–week period)
In our computer dependent world, the potential targets are endless Consider the damage that could be done by attacking Wall Street’s computers, traffic light control computers, prison computers, banks, the Pentagon or AOL

16 TERRORIST TACTIC: WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION Tokyo Subway Gas Attack Tokyo March 20, 1995
12 killed, 5K sickened Sarin gas – first use of biological/chemical weapons by terrorists Doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo sought downfall of Japanese government

17 TERRORIST TACTIC: SABOTAGE & HOAXES Nation alerted to threats since 9/11
Infrastructure vulnerable to sabotage Terrorist group may make a threat, of which they are capable of carrying out No intention of carrying out threat Hoax has the effect of  tying up security forces In achieving widespread fear, the terrorist is as successful as actually carrying out the act

18 TERRORIST TACTIC: ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION Nation alerted to threats since 9/11
Environmental terrorism involves targeting natural resources Water Example: Attack an oil tanker Air Not Eco-terrorism Eco-terrorism involves targeting the built environment (such as roads, buildings, and trucks), ostensibly in defense of natural resources



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