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Or how to convert your Muggle money into Wizard money

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1 Or how to convert your Muggle money into Wizard money
Magical Maths! Or how to convert your Muggle money into Wizard money

2 In order to buy your Hogwarts items in Diagon Alley, you must first change your Muggle money into Wizard money at Gringott’s bank.

3 Wizard Money Galleons = gold Sickles = silver Knuts = bronze
1 Galleon = 17 sickles 1 Sickle = 29 knuts

4 Changing your Muggle money
If 1 Galleon is the same as £10, how many Galleons will you get for £100? For £120? For £200? For £270? For £63?

5 Changing your Muggle money
1 Galleon is the same as 17 Sickles. If 1 Galleon = £10, how much is each Sickle worth (approximately)? What operation would you do? How would you use a calculator to help you find the answer? What keys would you press?

6 Sickles and Knuts 1 Sickle = 29 Knuts
So if 1 Sickle = 60p, how much is 1 Knut worth in Muggle money? What operation do you need to use? What keys would you press on the calculator to get your answer?

7 Now you’ve worked out how much your money is worth, can you work out how much these magical items would cost in Muggle money?

8 An owl costs 12 Galleons 1 Galleon = £10 1 Sickle = 60p 1 Knut = 2p

9 A Nimbus 2000 costs 150 Galleons
1 Sickle = 60p 1 Knut = 2p

10 A bottle of butterbeer in The Leaky Cauldron costs 2 Sickles and 9 Knuts
1 Galleon = £10 1 Sickle = 60p 1 Knut = 2p

11 A quill from Scrivenshafts costs 8 Sickles and 12 Knuts
1 Galleon = £10 1 Sickle = 60p 1 Knut = 2p

12 Now have a go at the worksheets!

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