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CATEGORY 1: Assessing student moral opinions on the topic

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1 CATEGORY 1: Assessing student moral opinions on the topic

2 We have no moral duty to help the needy in distant lands.
Agree Disagree

3 We have a moral obligation to aid the poor and hungry of the world.
Agree Disagree

4 Feeding the hungry in other counties is morally wrong because doing so makes their situation worse.
Agree Disagree

5 We should strive for an equal distribution of goods among all persons.
Agree Disagree

6 We should give to the poor and hungry even if it lowers our own standard of living.
Agree Disagree

7 We may have a duty to help those in need, but we also have a duty to ourselves—we have rights.
Agree Disagree

8 We may have a duty to help those in need, but we also have a duty to ourselves—we have rights.
Agree Disagree

9 Rich countries should not give food to poor, overpopulated countries.
Agree Disagree

10 CATEGORY 2: Assessing student assumptions about and knowledge of the issue

11 The richest 10 percent of people in the world amass 54 percent of the global income, while the poorest 40 percent amass only 5 percent. True False correct answer is a: True 11

12 1.4 million 1.4 billion 5 billion
Of the planet’s 6 billion people, _____ of them survive on less than $1.25 a day. 1.4 million 1.4 billion 5 billion correct answer is b: 1.4 billion] 12

13 In 2005, the wealthiest 20 percent of the world consumed over ____ percent of its goods.
35 50 75 correct answer is d: 75 13

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