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Do you think space exploration is important? Why or why not?

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Presentation on theme: "Do you think space exploration is important? Why or why not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you think space exploration is important? Why or why not?

2 Do you believe there is life elsewhere?

3 Space Race: The Competition between the U.S. and the USSR to develop the technology to successfully land on the moon.

4 1st Human in Space: Yuri Gagarin

5 Not to be outdone… 1 month later…
Alan Shepard Jr. became the 1st American to enter space. John Glenn – The 1st American to orbit Earth.

6 Lunar Landing Apollo program – Program launched by NASA to prepare for a moon landing. July 20th, 1969 – Neil Armstrong becomes the 1st person to step foot on the moon. 500 million people watched on TV

7 Did we land the 1st time? Due to the overwhelming pressure to beat the Soviets to the moon, many people believe that the U.S. “faked” the moon landing and filmed it in a Hollywood studio…

8 Flag Waving on the Moon?

9 Where are the stars?

10 Lack of Crater Impact?

11 Multiple Light Sources?

12 The Unexplained Object?

13 Layered cross-hairs!!

14 Same background?


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