Martin Luther’s New Ideas

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Presentation on theme: "Martin Luther’s New Ideas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Martin Luther’s New Ideas

2 Review of the Eastern Hemisphere

3 Review of the Western Hemisphere

4 For the first time, countries such as Spain, Portugal, France, and England were planting colonies in lands far away. This era is known as The Age of Discovery or The Age of Exploration.

5 During this time, the Catholic church was trying to keep its power in Europe. Do you remember feudalism? It was still going strong, and the Catholic church had as much power as a country, and the pope could even tell kings what to do.

6 As the Age of Exploration began, a monk named Martin Luther began to criticize the Catholic church.

7 Martin Luther grew up in the part of Europe we now call Germany.

8 His parents wanted him to become a lawyer, but Martin Luther decided to join a monastery instead. As a monk, he was often afraid he was “walled around with the terror and agony” of God’s anger.

9 He began to study the book of Romans, and in doing so, it changed the way of Martin’s thinking about God.

10 In Romans, we are taught that God loves us, no matter what, and that we are all worthy of His love, even if we’ve sinned in the past.

11 Martin Luther began to think other people seemed to have the wrong idea of God, just like him, because the Church had begun selling indulgences, which was a way for people to get out of doing penance by paying for it.

12 Martin Luther made a list of ninety-five reasons why indulgences were wrong, and then he nailed this list, called the Ninety-five Theses, to the church door in Wittenberg. This caught the interest of many people and challenged the Catholic Church.

13 King Henry VIII’s Problem

14 Back in England, King Henry VIII was delighted to hear about Martin Luther’s new ideas.

15 Remember King Henry VII
Remember King Henry VII? He was born Henry Tudor (the guy that killed Richard on the battlefield, who was the guy who kidnapped the two princes of the Tower).

16 King Henry VII wanted to make sure the throne was secured for his son and grandson to inherit, so he betrothed his first born son, Arthur, to Catherine, daughter of the king of Spain.

17 When they were finally old enough to marry, a great celebration was held, because now they could get down to the business of having children. However, only 6 months later, Arthur came down with a high fever and died. Arthur

18 King Henry VII got special permission from the pope for Catherine to marry his second son, Harry, but before the two could marry, Henry VII died. King Henry VII

19 Now, Harry became king, and changed his name to King Henry VIII
Now, Harry became king, and changed his name to King Henry VIII. Two months after his father died, he married Catherine. Now they could have sons, and everything would be fine and dandy. Bring on the boys!

20 Unfortunately, the years went by and although Catherine had a girl, Mary, she never had a little Henry IX. Henry grew worried, because he needed a son to carry on the throne! Finally, Catherine became too old to have children, and Henry was desperate.

21 He wanted to marry another woman, but the pope put his foot down and refused to let Henry divorce. Then Henry heard of Martin Luther’s new ideas and got an idea for himself.

22 King Henry VIII declared that all English Christians no longer had to obey the pope. Instead, they had to obey Henry, who was not only the king, but also now the Supreme Head of the Church of England, and as the Supreme Head, he could declare his marriage with Catherine over. DIVORCED

23 Now King Henry VIII was free to marry Anne Boleyn, a beautiful lady-in-waiting at the court.

24 Anne Boleyn gave Henry another daughter, Elizabeth.

25 This was unfortunate for Anne, because King Henry really wanted a boy, and when she didn’t have one, he chopped off her head. Beheaded

26 Two weeks after King Henry VIII chopped off Anne Boleyn’s head, he married Jane Seymour. A year and a half later, Henry finally got his son, and named him Edward.

27 Unfortunately, not long after Edward was born, Jane Seymour died.

28 King Henry didn’t mourn her too long, because soon after her death, he sent artists all over Europe to paint pictures of the princesses he might marry. When he saw the beautiful German princess, Anne of Cleves, he decided to marry her.

29 However, when he met her, he thought she looked nothing like her picture, and that she looked more like a horse! But the wedding had already been planned, and he didn’t want to anger her relatives, so Henry VIII went through with the marriage – only to divorce her, since he was Supreme Head of the Church of England. DIVORCED

30 Anne was quite happy about the divorce, because King Henry VIII wasn’t young anymore. He was old and extremely fat.

31 Three weeks later, Henry married a young girl named Catherine Howard.

32 Unfortunately, because the king was old and fat, Catherine kept her eye on another young man, and that got her beheaded. Beheaded

33 Less than a year later, King Henry VIII got married for the last time
Less than a year later, King Henry VIII got married for the last time. Now he was an old man and often sick. His new wife, Catherine Parr was a good nurse and took care of him and his three children. She was still alive when Henry VIII died. Survived!

34 DIVORCED Beheaded DIED DIVORCED Beheaded Survived!

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