Education, Outreach, and Training

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Presentation on theme: "Education, Outreach, and Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Education, Outreach, and Training
Chuck Koelbel Thanks to Richard Tapia, Michael Sirois

2 What VGrADS Promised Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) 3 outstanding summer students in 2006 Amanda Burch: compiling for Cell processor Emily de la Garza: comparing EMAN scheduling mechanisms Danielle Kramer: simulating scheduling robustness Support for Hopper and Tapia conferences Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing 2005 Held panel, sent 3 staffers Computer Science Computer And Mentoring Project (CS-CAMP) Final session for high school students and teachers in summer 2006 Amanda, Emily, and Danielle spoke Courses Jack Dongarra, “Understanding Parallel Computing” in spring 2006 Grad student exchanges

3 AGEP Repeat the success of 2006
3 students at Rice Could increase, subject to mentor time Please help recruit - Can we expand to other sites? Do any other VGrADS schools have sites? Remote mentoring? Project suggestions? In a related vein, excess EOT funds could be used for REUs Anybody interested? No NSF supplementary proposal needed But probably good to have the students identified before sending the money

4 Tapia and Hopper Conferences
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2006 Coming in October to San Diego Will send several CS students from Rice; anybody else? In 2007, Hopper and Tapia will be co-located Ideas for joint activities that VGrADS could sponsor? Keynote? Panel session? Interpretive dance?

5 CS-CAMP Program to get young high-school girls, teachers, administrators interested in computer science Proposed renewal and expansion to NSF Replicate at UCSD Declined to fund Working with Ann Redelfs, EPIC group to revise and resubmit New ideas for K-12 needed Prepackaged grid demo? Suitable for school PC lab? Curriculum materials? Again, excess funds available to fund new efforts

6 Courses and Students Let us know when you incorporate grid concepts in any undergrad course Previously, courses at UCSD and UCSB Long-planned course at Rice Graduate student exchanges / visits Replaced this year by LEAD workshops Next year?

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